cockroachdb / homebrew-tap

`brew install cockroachdb/tap/cockroach`

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allow older versions to be installed (<= v22.1)

otan opened this issue · comments

I've seen some other brews have older versions (e.g. you can do brew install go@1.13), we should probably have support for older versions of CRDB with something like brew install cockroachdb/tap/cockroach@19.2 and the like.

Edit 2023-07-12: we will support this from v22.2+ onwards. we can work on v22.1 and back if we change the template files to not include the ARM builds.

How is this really 3 years old? For a company the size of Cockroach, this feels like table stakes.

seems an issue lost to time... i've bumped up the priority internally (i am personally no longer involved with releases), but here are some things that hopefully temporarily unblocks you:

change has been merged for 22.2. updated issue to reflect older versions.

Shall we resolve this as done, because ATM we support 23.1 and 22.2 only. 22.1 is not maintained anymore.

I think it's fair to say this is resolve. However, this is something I think should be maintained going forward. Since 22.2 is where the arm support came in to the tap, 22+ seems reasonable. In theory every new release of cockroach going forward should have the ability to do this.

Just because something may not be maintained anymore doesn't mean people wouldn't still be using it (disregard whether they should be)

The current release process should keep the versions up to date for every supported release. Let's call it done. \o/