cockroachdb / homebrew-tap

`brew install cockroachdb/tap/cockroach`

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rename this repo?

bdarnell opened this issue · comments

This tap is used with either brew install cockroachdb/cockroach/cockroach or brew tap cockroachdb/cockroach; brew install cockroach. That's a lot of repetitions of the word cockroach. MongoDB (among others) does something that's arguably nicer-looking, replacing the second component (the most flexible part of the naming scheme) with brew, resulting in mongodb/brew/mongodb-community. This looks a little nicer for the user, although it does mean that they have a mostly-invisible repo with the silly name homebrew-brew. Other projects use tap for this.

We'll be reactivating this tap for the 19.2 launch; after that it gets harder to change. So if we decide we want to rename the repo, now's our best chance.

I like the idea of renaming for clarity and consistency with other projects (less surprise for the user), but a little unclear what you are specifically recommending here.

For non-core packages, brew uses a 3-part naming scheme: $ORG/$REPO/$PACKAGE. $ORG is a github organization, so that's definitely cockroachdb for us. $PACKAGE is how it's referred to in most commands, so it also needs to be cockroach (or cockroachdb). These are used to construct urls like$ORG/homebrew-$REPO/Formula/$PACKAGE.rb.

So the options are:

  1. As-is: brew install cockroachdb/cockroach/cockroach or brew tap cockroachdb/cockroach && brew install cockroach
  2. Rename this repo from homebrew-cockroach to homebrew-brew: brew install cockroachdb/brew/cockroach or brew tap cockroachdb/brew && brew install cockroach
  3. Rename to homebrew-tap: brew install cockroachdb/tap/cockroach or brew tap cockroachdb/tap && brew install cockroach

The two most common non-core packages according to brew's analytics are heroku and mongo, both of which use /brew/. After those two, /brew/ is less common and we see either repetitive names or /tap/.

My preference is option 2.

IMO it's a toss-up between #2 and #3 but I think #3 communicates more clearly that we are a non-core package.

OK, renaming to cockroach-tap.