cockroachdb / helm-charts

Helm charts for cockroachdb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

cockroach-self-signer-cert:1.4 is not multi-arch

samip5 opened this issue · comments

This currently fails to uninstall due to that fact.

@himanshu-cockroach Can you please have a look.

+1 for supporting ARM64 as that CPU architecture represents a 40% cost per transaction savings for our workloads.

For local development in minikube, the workaround I've managed to fine is to follow the manual steps here.

Please let me know how I can help.

@prafull01 I'm sure everyone is busy but would the maintainers be supportive of me contributing to a multi-arch build process for the cockroach-self-signer?

Hi @mprimeaux Thank you for taking interest in the contributing. We accept every kind of contribution from the community.

I have already been working on the implementing the arm64 build process for self signer and also supporting the arm64 architecture on the openshift. You will see the PR for that by today EOD.

Hi @prafull01 - can I help with anything on the PR? Happy to help or test.

Hi @mprimeaux
I have added the PR for the linux/arm64 support. I have tested it on GKE, please feel free to test it on your own.
Screenshot 2023-09-09 at 11 11 05 PM

Hi @prafull01 - thanks much! I reviewed the PR and added a few non-critical comments. Looks great.

Hi @prafull01. Thanks again for your help.

I don’t see the new image in the container registry; here. The 1.4 tag is still the latest.

I think it’s because the last build job didn’t execute due to a change in tag not being detected.


@mprimeaux I have fixed that in another PR. Now the latest tag for self-signer image is 1.5 and it is pushed to the repo