cockroachdb / helm-charts

Helm charts for cockroachdb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

provisionCluster fails because it is running to early

Jbaukens opened this issue · comments


I noticed that the provisionCluster in the init-job.yaml is failing because its running to early.

If i am changing the code with a sleep on forehand the users and databases are created with success
sleep 5;provisionCluster; outputs

Provisioning completed successfully

Without the sleep, i am getting an error asking to check if cockroach is running

Is the server running?
If the server is running, check --host client-side and --advertise server-side.
dial tcp ip:26257: connect: connection refused
Failed running "sql"
Provisioning completed successfully

I am trying to install is as dependeny on minikube