cockroachdb / helm-charts

Helm charts for cockroachdb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

init provisioning error - unknown flag: --cluster-name

rayjanoka opened this issue · comments


I'm having an issue with the chart init using conf.cluster-name.

When the script runs it fails with

Cluster successfully initialized
ERROR: unknown flag: --cluster-name
Failed running "sql"
Provisioning completed successfully
➜ k logs cockroachdb-init-42rvd -f ++ /cockroach/cockroach init --certs-dir=/cockroach-certs/ --cluster-name=cockroachdb --host=cockroachdb-0.cockroachdb:26257 warning: node not ready to perform cluster initialization: initial connection heartbeat failed: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused" (retrying) Cluster successfully initialized Usage: cockroach sql [options] [flags]

--cert-principal-map strings
A comma separated list of : mappings. This
allows mapping the principal in a cert to a DB principal such as "node" or
"root" or any SQL user. This is intended for use in situations where the
certificate management system places restrictions on the Subject.CommonName or
SubjectAlternateName fields in the certificate (e.g. disallowing a CommonName
such as "node" or "root"). If multiple mappings are provided for the same
, the last one specified in the list takes precedence. A
principal not specified in the map is passed through as-is via the identity
function. A cert is allowed to authenticate a DB principal if the DB principal
name is contained in the mapped CommonName or DNS-type SubjectAlternateName
fields. It is permissible for the string to contain colons.

  --certs-dir string             
                                  Path to the directory containing SSL certificates and keys.
                                  Environment variable: COCKROACH_CERTS_DIR
                                  (default "${HOME}/.cockroach-certs")

-d, --database string
The name of the database to connect to.
Environment variable: COCKROACH_DATABASE

                                  Simplify the SQL CLI to ease troubleshooting of CockroachDB issues. This
                                  echoes sent SQL, removes the database name and txn status from the prompt, and
                                  forces behavior to become independent on current transaction state. Equivalent
                                  to --echo-sql, \unset check_syntax and \set prompt1 %n@%M>.
                                  Reveal the SQL statements sent implicitly by the command-line utility.
                                  Simplify and reduce the SQL CLI output to make it appropriate for embedding in
                                  a 'playground'-type environment.  This causes the shell to omit informational
                                  message about aspects that can only be changed with command-line flags or
                                  environment variables: in an embedded environment, the user has no control
                                  over these and the messages would thus be confusing.  It also causes the shell
                                  to omit informational messages about networking details (e.g. server address),
                                  as it is assumed that the embedding environment will report those instead.

-e, --execute
Execute the SQL statement(s) on the command line, then exit. This flag may
be specified multiple times and each value may contain multiple semicolon
separated statements. If an error occurs in any statement, the command exits
with a non-zero status code and further statements are not executed. The
results of each SQL statement are printed on the standard output. This flag
is incompatible with --file / -f.

-f, --file string
Read and execute the SQL statement(s) from the specified file. The file is
processed as if it has been redirected on the standard input of the shell.
This flag is incompatible with --execute / -e.

  --format string                
                                  Selects how to display table rows in results. Possible values: tsv, csv,
                                  table, records, sql, raw, html. If left unspecified, defaults to tsv for
                                  non-interactive sessions and table for interactive sessions.
                                  (default "tsv")

-h, --help help for sql
Connect to a cluster without using TLS nor authentication. This makes the
client-server connection vulnerable to MITM attacks. Use with care.
Environment variable: COCKROACH_INSECURE

                                  Disable SQL statements that may have undesired side effects. For example a
                                  DELETE or UPDATE without a WHERE clause. By default, this setting is enabled
                                  (true) and such statements are rejected to prevent accidents. This can also be
                                  overridden in a session with SET sql_safe_updates = FALSE.
                                  (default <unspecified>)
  --set <stmtlist>               
                                  Set a client-side configuration parameter before running the SQL shell. This
                                  flag may be specified multiple times.
  --url <postgres://...>         
                                  Connection URL, of the form:
                                  For example, postgresql://myuser@localhost:26257/mydb.
                                  If left empty, the discrete connection flags are used: host, port, user,
                                  database, insecure, certs-dir.
                                  Environment variable: COCKROACH_URL

-u, --user string
Database user name.
Environment variable: COCKROACH_USER
(default "root")
--watch duration
Repeat the SQL statement(s) specified with --execute with the specified
period. The client will stop watching if an execution of the SQL statement(s)

Global Flags:
Logging configuration, expressed using YAML syntax. For example, you can
change the default logging directory with: --log='file-defaults: {dir: ...}'.
See the documentation for more options and details. To preview how the log
configuration is applied, or preview the default configuration, you can use
the 'cockroach debug check-log-config' sub-command.

  --log-config-file <file>   
                              File name to read the logging configuration from. This has the same effect as
                              passing the content of the file via the --log flag.
                              (default <unset>)
  --vmodule moduleSpec       comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging (significantly hurts performance)

ERROR: unknown flag: --cluster-name
Failed running "sql"
Provisioning completed successfully

It appears that init --cluster-name is ok, but sql --cluster-name is invalid.

{{- if $isDatabaseProvisioningEnabled }}
provisionCluster() {
while true; do
/cockroach/cockroach sql \
{{- if .Values.tls.enabled }}
--certs-dir=/cockroach-certs/ \
{{- else }}
--insecure \
{{- end }}
{{- with index .Values.conf "cluster-name" }}
--cluster-name={{.}} \
{{- end }}

Hey there @rayjanoka! Thanks for creating this issue. I'm having trouble replicating the issue. Would you be able to outline the steps you're taking?


Hey @pseudomuto!

Sorry about that, it is a combination of the cluster-name and provisioning databases where you will find the issue in the init pod logs.

  cluster-name: test
    enabled: true
    - name: testdb
        - root

Fixed by #226