cockroachdb / helm-charts

Helm charts for cockroachdb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Incorrect usage of .Values.iap.enabled in loop

JorritSalverda opened this issue · comments

With chart version 6.2.6 when enabling ingress rendering the chart fails as follows:

Error: Failed to render chart: exit status 1: Error: template: estafette-ci/charts/db/templates/ingress.yaml:44:26: executing "estafette-ci/charts/db/templates/ingress.yaml" at <.Values.iap.enabled>: can't evaluate field Values in type interface {}

Regression caused by #171

@udnay @prafull01

Ouch, testing this but it still uses, while it needs a new build of the self-signer. The new image doesn't exist though. Nor is the default value for tls.selfSigner.image.tag updated.

Is this something you can quickly fix to get a working chart again? Sorry for missing all of this and ruining the chart, but wasn't aware of how to get this selfSigner released (perhaps needs a dedicated repo? :D). Thx for helping out.

@JorritSalverda This PR did not touch the self-signer utility code and hence it did not created a new build. We only create the new build of the self-signer utility when the code is changed in it. Our CI takes care of that.

Could you please explain what issue are you facing with the self-signer?

Maybe we should revert both of the PRs to get the helmchart back into a working state.

Agreed, would best to roll both of them back for now. The merged PR that should have created a new self-signer image is #191. Any thoughts on why it didn’t result in a new version getting created?

It seems I should have updated the self signer image tag in the values.yaml for the build to have triggered. So perhaps instead of reverting PRs only this tag needs to be updated?

Created #198 to do so.