cockroachdb / helm-charts

Helm charts for cockroachdb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Helm chart 6.2.0 doesn't support insecure cluster

smcvey opened this issue · comments

The default installation of has been modified to install a secure cluster instead of insecure (which was the default until version 6.0.9).

If explicitly installing insecure cluster by running:

helm install my-release cockroachdb/cockroachdb --set tls.enabled=false
the installation fails, because of 'serviceaccount 'my-release-cockroachdb-self-signer" not found' by self-signer job.

The behaviour contradicts the information in the README (

@abhishekdwivedi3060 @prafull01 can you take a look at this? I assume it is due to a misconfiguration?