cockroachdb / cockroach-operator

k8s operator for CRDB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

helm chart to install operator

lknite opened this issue · comments

Installing from the yaml is having some difficulty in our environment due to policy such as not being able to use "latest", which is normally solved via helm chart ...

It is common to use a helm chart to deploy an operator. So far I haven't located one.

q) Could someone direct me to helm chart to deploy cockroachdb operator?

@HaimKortovich did you happen to submit a pull request to get the chart added to the standard repo? I'd be interested in following the pull request if you had a link to one.

@lknite I had to update some dependencies to get it working with other operators I have, idk if that's an issue. Still you could just use the helmify tool I am using.