coc-extensions / coc-powershell

PowerShellEditorService integration for coc.vim

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Linting (Diagnostics) doesn't work

mikeTWC1984 opened this issue · comments

System Details

  • Vim or NeoVim?: both
  • Version of Vim (run vim --version) or NeoVim (run nvim --version): Neovim 0.4.3
  • _Version of coc-powershell : 0.1.1
  • Operating System: linux
  • PowerShell version (in PowerShell: $PSVersionTable): 7

Issue Description

I'm installing coc-extensions on the plain containers (various OS). Looks like there is some issue with linting for coc-powershell and coc-omnisharp. Initially I thought it's some global coc-nvim issue, because linting didn't work with python extension either. However after installing msft python server it was fixed. Then I realized linting is working with my old coc-powershell fork (I think it was v0.73).
When I do CocInfo using latest coc-powershell/omnisharp I see additional output channel (cs and ps1). Using my old fork I only see one output channel (Powershell or omnisharp)


Expected Behaviour


Actual Behaviour

-- Description of what actually happens --

It looks like it's unable to find PSScriptAnalyzer... in the integrated console, can you run:

gmo -list PSScriptAnalyzer

You are right, the command return nothing, and after installing PSScriptAnalyzer I see linting again. Thanks! Is it a bug or feature though? I guess coc-powershell used to install this module automatically

Hmm it should "just work" what's your $env:PSModulePath set to?

The last path should be a coc-powershell specific path and PSSA is supposed to be in that but I might have packaged it wrong.


When I use the old fork I do see coc-powershell in PSModulePath indeed.

hmm and that's from within the PowerShell Integrated Console, yes?

On macOS, I have the correct path:

PS > $env:PSModulePath


I just installed everything again on the new linux machine, I do see coc-powershell/PowerShellEditorServices in the psmodulepath now, but linting is not working. PSScriptAnalyzer is not in that folder. I do see it when I install my the old fork.

This is what old extension has in this folder:
docs Plaster PowerShellEditorServices PowerShellEditorServices.VSCode PSScriptAnalyzer

The new one has only PowerShellEditorServices

OK, somehow 2.1.0 release does not contain those extra modules

Great find! I'll get that fixed

This should be fixed now :)