coc-extensions / coc-powershell

PowerShellEditorService integration for coc.vim

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Adding Snippets

mikeTWC1984 opened this issue ยท comments

Another useful feature to have. I personally like ISE way (ctr + j), but VSCode is good too (just typing snippet name and it appears on the autocomplete list).

coc.nvim already supports this:

Snippet completion items from coc extensions that contribute VSCode snippets.

So all we need to do is copy over the snippet file from vscode-powershell and then add these lines into our package.json!

@mikeTWC1984 looks like itโ€™s just a bunch of json changes, any interest in contributing?

Sure, will do. Is everything can be ported from vscode to vim that easy? ) I think the last thing left is ISE color theme (just for fun), can it be ported from VSCode too?

Can't figure out which package.json file to put that snippet config? I tried ~/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-powershell/package.json, has no any effect (using nvim). I created snippets folder in the same directory and put PowerShell.json file in there. I tried to install their sample js snippets with CocInstall and it seemed to work.

Hmm interesting. @yatli have you gotten snippets working in your other coc extensions?

I haven't played with snippets yet, but according to the doc, it supports quite a few snippet formats.

@mikeTWC1984 you'll need to edit package.json:

  1. Add the snippets folder in the "files" section.
  2. In the "contributes" section, list the snippet files, and associate them with language id "ps1"

I have no experience with the actual process though ๐Ÿ˜…

with language id "ps1"

maybe that's the thing, vscode extension uses "powershell"

@mikeTWC1984 I'm currently working on a document in PR #48. Perhaps take a look and let me know if you need assistance.

Basically what I do is checkout the repo to a directory, then tell vim to load the plugin from there.

I played a bit more and still wasn't able to modify coc-powershell's package.json to load snippets, however after replacing snippet file (to PowerShell.json) and language to ps1 in the sample snippet repo I was able to see ps snippets in autocomplete. So at least we can solve that by creating separate repo.

๐Ÿค” I can't seem to get it to work either.

I added snippets to the contributes. And copied PowerShell.json to the coc-powershell directory:

 "contributes": {
        "snippets": [
                        "language": "ps1",
                        "path": "PowerShell.json"
        "languages": [

then I made sure it was loading my config by revving the version to 0.0.38. And either I don't know how to trigger the snippets, or they're not actually loading. I'm going to go and read the docs and report back ๐Ÿ˜‚

OK, after reading the docs, there are two things I was missing... I forgot to read my contributing file to know that I needed to run build.ps1 ๐Ÿ˜‚ and apparently you also need to install coc-snippets. After doing the build.ps1 I got PSIC and intellisense. Then after installing coc-snippets, I got snippets. To complete, you select it and then hit Ctrl+y (there's a snippet in the docs to update your vimrc to allow enter to expand the snippet)

Nice. Seems pretty straightforward then. @corbob do you want to send the PR?

I was going to let @mikeTWC1984 put it together (my testing was done within a differently tracked directory).

I'll throw a PR together tonight if mikeTWC1984 hasn't.

@corbob Good news. Go ahead and throw your PR ( I don't have much to submit on my end :) )

One thing to be aware of for snippets is to move between inputs: To navigate forward/backward of a snippet placeholder, use and . Vim global variable g:coc_snippet_next and g:coc_snippet_prev can be used to change the key-mapping.

Seeing that we can do that, I wonder if we should integrate something in the build script to pull the snippets out of the vscode-powershell repository... that way we're not duplicating work of including snippets...

That seems pretty straightforward considering it's just json ๐Ÿ‘