coc-extensions / coc-powershell

PowerShellEditorService integration for coc.vim

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't get it to work on Ubuntu

mikeTWC1984 opened this issue · comments

I installed all prereqs and followed Install guide without any error. But still can't see Intellisense/Completion while editing ps1 file. Is there any additional parameters need to be added on vimrc?

Since the move to TypeScript and utilizing what it gives us, I don't recall being able to get IntelliSense working on Windows either. Perhaps @TylerLeonhardt or @yatli could provide some insight on the configuration that they're using?

which version are you using?

Version of Vim? I'm using nvim 0.3.7 IIRC. I've loaded it in with :CocInstall <Path To Cloned Repo>

@corbob the installation method has changed. Now we're able to install with just :CocInstall coc-powershell because the package is now on npm. Could you please give it a try?

To check whether the extension is loaded, use :CocList extensions -- active extensions are marked with "*"

To check the extension debug info, use :CocInfo and locate the output channel "powershell".

The latest npm package is 0.0.17 as of now

@mikeTWC1984, can you share your
vim/NeoVim version,
node.js version,
your vimrc/init.vim

And please verify you ran :CocInstall coc-powershell

There was an issue with the package around the time that you filed and that should be fixed

I'm using vim 8.0.1453. I'm getting same results on windows too..

I ran CocList extension and coc-powershell was in "loaded" (+) status. I changed it to enabled (*) but I didn't see any difference.

Below are steps to recreate. Installing all the stuff from scratch on the plain pwsh container. Did I miss anything?

docker run -it --name vim --entrypoint pwsh

apt install vim -y
apt install git -y
apt-install curl -y

#install node
curl -sL | bash

#install vim plug
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

# adding this to .vimrc

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
call plug#end()

# then :PlugInstall and :CocInstall coc-powershell
# then openig some ps1 file

🤔 It seems that it took some time for the PSIC to start, but once it did, then I get auto-complete...

The first thing it does is download a dependency, PowerShell Editor Services. It takes some time.

If you also add vim-airline, you should see a message “Downloading PowerShell Editor Services…”

Plug 'bling/vim-airline'

I’ve also configured airline in my init.vim (neovim in my case) which I stole from @yatli 😅

Perhaps we should think about bundling PSES with coc-powershell so initial startup doesn’t take as long…

Ah yes, it is much faster the second time around. I am using Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline' for a statusline, perhaps I'll take a look at your init.vim (I have borrowed heavily from yours and @yatli in the past, might as well take another look 😂


As of today running exactly the same commands as above does not work. No terminal popup and no autocomplete working in VIM.

Turned out I needed vim >= 8.0 to get it working.

Looks like we can close this since you need vim8 and that's in our :)