coatyio / vda-5050-cli.js

Command line interface for developing VDA 5050 clients

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

VDA 5050 Command Line Interface

License: MIT release npm version

Table of Contents


This package provides a command line interface (CLI) with tools useful for developing applications and system components based on the VDA 5050 specification "Interface for the communication between automated guided vehicles (AGV) and a master control":

  • Start an MQTT broker for development testing (not intended for use in a production environment).
  • Create type definitions for various programming languages from predefined VDA 5050 JSON schemas or from your custom schemas. Useful for defining VDA 5050 (extension) object types in your application.
  • Export JSON schemas for a specific VDA 5050 specification version. To be used in your application, e.g. by a code generator tool that creates code for validating VDA 5050 topic payloads before publishing or upon receipt.

The CLI can be used independently of or in combination with the npm package vda-5050-lib, a universal library for implementing systems based on VDA 5050 in TypeScript/JavaScript.


Ensure that Node.js version 10 or newer is installed.

Install the latest stable version globally:

npm install -g vda-5050-cli


This command line tool accepts the following commands and options:

$ vda-5050 -h

          ______   _______    _______  _______  _______  _______
|\     /|(  __  \ (  ___  )  (  ____ \(  __   )(  ____ \(  __   )
| )   ( || (  \  )| (   ) |  | (    \/| (  )  || (    \/| (  )  |
| |   | || |   ) || (___) |  | (____  | | /   || (____  | | /   |
( (   ) )| |   | ||  ___  |  (_____ \ | (/ /) |(_____ \ | (/ /) |
 \ \_/ / | |   ) || (   ) |        ) )|   / | |      ) )|   / | |
  \   /  | (__/  )| )   ( |  /\____) )|  (__) |/\____) )|  (__) |
   \_/   (______/ |/     \|  \______/ (_______)\______/ (_______)

Usage: vda-5050 [command] [options]

  vda-5050 broker  Starts MQTT broker for TCP and WS protocols. For available options, use -h
  vda-5050 schema  Creates programming language specific types from VDA 5050 or custom JSON
                   schemas. For available options, use -h

General Options:
  -q, --quiet    Suppress banner                                                        [boolean]
  -v, --version  Show version number                                                    [boolean]
  -h, --help     Show help                                                              [boolean]

For more information, visit


$ vda-5050 broker -h -q
vda-5050 broker

Starts MQTT broker for TCP and WS protocols. For available options, use -h

Broker Options
  -p, --port          the TCP port to listen to                          [number] [default: 1883]
      --ws-port       the Websocket port to listen to                    [number] [default: 9883]
      --verbose       set the log level to INFO                        [boolean] [default: false]
      --very-verbose  set the log level to DEBUG                       [boolean] [default: false]
  -c, --config        the config file to use. For details, see

Some examples:

# Start MQTT broker on default TCP port (1883) and Websocket port (9883).
# Type Ctrl + C to stop the broker.
vda-5050 broker

# Start MQTT broker on specific TCP and Websocket ports.
vda-5050 broker -p 4242 --ws-port 4000

# Start MQTT broker with custom configuration file.
# Put (only) the options to override in a JSON or JavaScript config file.
# All options and their default values are defined here:
vda-5050 broker -c ~/vda-5050-broker.config.js

JSON schema

$ vda-5050 schema -h -q
vda-5050 schema

Creates programming language specific types from predefined VDA 5050 or custom JSON schemas. For
available options, use -h

Schema Options
  -l, --lang    the target language, e.g. ts (default), js, swift, py, rb, java, go, cs, cpp, ...
                Specify json to export raw JSON schemas                                  [string]
  -V, --vda     the VDA 5050 specification version to use (default latest)
                Specify "*" to list all available versions                               [string]
  -s, --schema  the (glob) path to custom JSON schema file(s)                            [string]
  -o, --out     the path to the output file or folder                                    [string]
  -c, --config  the config file with (additional) options to use. For details, see

Some examples:

# List all available VDA 5050 schema versions.
vda-5050 schema --vda "*"

# Create TypeScript type definitions for the latest VDA 5050 specification version.
# Output is written to vda-5050-types.ts in the current working directory.
vda-5050 schema

# Create TypeScript type definitions with custom VDA 5050 schema files.
# Output is written to vda-5050-types.ts in the current working directory.
vda-5050 schema -s "myschemas/"

# Create Swift type definitions for VDA 5050 specification version 1.1.
# Output is written to vda-5050-types.swift in the current working directory.
vda-5050 schema --lang swift --vda 1.1

# Create Python type definitions for latest VDA 5050 specification version
# in the output file under src/types.
vda-5050 schema --lang py --out src/types/custom

# Create Java type definitions from your custom JSON schemas in the
# output file under src/types.
# The input schema path supports glob patterns to specify multiple schema files,
# for details, see
# Use forward slash path syntax for input schemas, even on Windows.
vda-5050 schema -l java -s "myschemas/**/*.schema.json" -o src/types/custom

# Create type definitions using options from a configuration file.
# Put (only) the options to override in a JSON or JavaScript config file.
# All options and their default values are defined here:
vda-5050 schema  -c ~/vda-5050-scheme.config.js

# Export VDA 5050 schema definitions for specification version 1.1 into
# the given output folder.
vda-5050 schema -l json --vda 1.1 -o vda-5050/v1.1

Within your custom JSON schemas you can reference any common schema definition of any available VDA 5050 specification version as follows:

{ "$ref": "<VDA 5050 spec version number>/common.schema.json#/definitions/<def>" }

Common VDA 5050 schema definitions are version specific. To see available definitions, export the VDA JSON schemas in question as shown in the example above and inspect the file common.schema.json.

For example, to combine the common header properties defined in VDA 5050 specification version 1.1 into your schema, use the allOf keyword like this:

    "$schema": "",
    "title": "mycustomobject",
    "type": "object",
    "allOf": [
            "$ref": ""
            "properties": {
                "myCustomProperty1": {
                    "type": "string"


If you like this package, please consider ★ starring the project on github. Contributions are welcome and appreciated.

To release a new version of this package, run npm run release. This includes automatic version bumping, generation of a conventional changelog based on git commit history, git tagging and pushing the release, and publishing the package on npm registry. For a dry test run, invoke npm run release:dry.


Code and documentation copyright 2020 Siemens AG.

Code is licensed under the MIT License.

Documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Command line interface for developing VDA 5050 clients

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%