coalton-lang / coalton

Coalton is an efficient, statically typed functional programming language that supercharges Common Lisp.

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How to convert a CLOS program to COALTON.

devosalain opened this issue · comments

I want to change this program to coalton :

(load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3) (space 0) (debug 3)))
(ql:quickload "serapeum")
(defpackage mypack
  (:use :cl :serapeum)
  (:export main));defpackage
(in-package :mypack)

(defclass bank-account ()
    (customer-name balance))
(defgeneric balance (dummy))
(defgeneric customer-name (dummy))

(-> customer-name (bank-account) String)
(defmethod customer-name ((account bank-account))
    (slot-value account 'customer-name))
(-> balance (bank-account) Integer)
(defmethod balance ((account bank-account))
    (slot-value account 'balance))
(-> (setf customer-name) (String bank-account) nil)
(defmethod (setf customer-name) (aname account)
    (setf ( slot-value account 'customer-name ) aname))
(-> (setf balance) (Integer bank-account) nil)
(defmethod (setf balance) (abal account)
    (setf ( slot-value account 'balance ) abal))

(defparameter *account* (make-instance 'bank-account))
(-> main () integer )
(defun main ()
    (setf (customer-name *account*) "Alain")
    (setf (balance *account*) 100)
    (print (customer-name *account*))
    (print (balance *account*))
(in-package :cl)
(defun main ()
   0 )
(sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "test.exe" :toplevel #'main :executable t)

If you need to be able to access the objects from outside of Coalton, define them in Lisp first and then import the type to Coalton
(Defclass bank-account...

(Repr :native bank-account)
(Define-type BankAccount))

If you just want it all in Coalton, use define-struct to make similar objects:
(Define-struct BankAccount
(Customer-name String)
(Acct-number UFix)))

Unless you're going to have multiple structs using the same methods, you can just use regular function definitions. If you do want multiple structs/types using the same functions, use define-class to define a typeclass

There exist a book "The book of Shen".
It would be nice if someone could write "The book of Coalton". As i'm missing alot.