co-cart / co-cart

đź›’ CoCart is a free REST API designed to decouple your slow WooCommerce storefront and convert it blazing-fast, build in any web framework, and save you countless hours.

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[Vulnerability] : Any user can choose price for products on cart

nicolas-prigent-needone opened this issue · comments


  • I have carried out troubleshooting steps and I believe I have found a bug.
  • I have searched for similar bugs in both open and closed issues and cannot find a duplicate.

Describe the bug

I have made some test and without any authentication a user can change price of product on a cart with something like :

That means any user can set to the minimum price his cart before any payment if i understand correctly.

Modify price of a product before added on a cart is a great functionality but need at least an enforced authentication before to make sure only some admin make the call (use some API token for example).

Expected behavior

Still be able to set the price but only if authenticated, with token API for example.

Actual behavior

Anyone without authentication can set price of product

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add some product from the website to the cart
  2. Type <website_url>/wp-json/cocart/v2/cart and identify cart key, product id etc.
  3. Call <website_url>/wp-json/cocart/{{api_version}}/cart/add-item?id=<id>&quantity=<quantity>&price=<price>&cart_key=<key> from a postman for example
  4. On your website refresh your cart and observe new price (can reduce quantity if you want)
  5. Finalize with payment

WordPress Environment

### WordPress Environment ###

WordPress address (URL): http://localhost:84
Site address (URL): http://localhost:84
WC Version: 7.0.0
REST API Version: âś” 7.0.0
WC Blocks Version: âś” 8.5.1
Action Scheduler Version: âś” 3.4.0
Log Directory Writable: âś”
WP Version: ❌ 6.0.3 - Une nouvelle version de WordPress est disponible (6.1)
WP Multisite: –
WP Memory Limit: 10 Go
WP Debug Mode: –
WP Cron: âś”
Language: fr_FR
External object cache: –

### Server Environment ###

Server Info: Apache/2.4.54 (Debian)
PHP Version: 7.4.30
PHP Post Max Size: 5 Go
PHP Time Limit: 300
PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
cURL Version: 7.74.0

SUHOSIN Installed: –
MySQL Version: 5.5.5-10.5.12-MariaDB-1:10.5.12+maria~focal
Max Upload Size: 5 Go
Default Timezone is UTC: âś”
fsockopen/cURL: âś”
SoapClient: ❌ Votre serveur n’a pas la classe SoapClient activée - certaines extensions de passerelle utilisant SOAP peuvent ne pas fonctionner correctement.
DOMDocument: âś”
GZip: âś”
Multibyte String: âś”
Remote Post: âś”
Remote Get: âś”

### Database ###

WC Database Version: 7.0.0
WC Database Prefix: wp_
Taille totale de la base de données: 26.41MB
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### Post Type Counts ###

afreg_fields: 1
attachment: 202
cmm4e_menu: 2
cmm4e_menu_theme: 2
custom_css: 1
def_reg_fields: 10
elementor_font: 9
elementor_library: 59
elementor_snippet: 1
elementskit_content: 9
groovy_menu_preset: 1
itsec-dash-card: 6
itsec-dashboard: 1
jet-menu: 6
mailpoet_page: 1
nav_menu_item: 6
oembed_cache: 1
page: 29
post: 9
process_posts: 1
product: 6
revision: 114
seedprod: 4
shop_order: 4
user_request: 1
viwec_template: 16
wp_global_styles: 2
wpmm_theme: 3
wppb-roles-editor: 10

### Security ###

Secure connection (HTTPS): ❌
					Votre boutique n’utilise pas HTTPS. En savoir plus sur HTTPS et les certificats SSL.
Hide errors from visitors: âś”

### Active Plugins (23) ###

All-in-One WP Migration: par ServMask – 6.77
Axeptio Cookies: par Dectys (Florian) – 1.0.0
CoCart - Headless ecommerce: par Sébastien Dumont – 3.7.7
Code Snippets: par Code Snippets Pro – 3.2.1
DriveWorks Block - Form Embed: par DriveWorks Ltd – 1.0.0
DriveWorks Shortcode - Form Embed: par DriveWorks Ltd – 1.0.1
DynamicConditions: par RTO GmbH – 1.6.0
Elementor Pro: par – 3.7.7
Elementor: par – 3.7.8
Essential Addons for Elementor: par WPDeveloper – 5.4.1
Health Check & Troubleshooting: par La communauté WordPress – 1.5.0
JetMenu: par Crocoblock – 2.2.3
Loco Translate: par Tim Whitlock – 2.6.3
UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: par UpdraftPlus.Com
DavidAnderson –

Converter for Media: par Image Optimization Team by matt plugins – 5.3.1
Paiements WooCommerce: par Automattic – 4.9.0
PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce: par WP Overnight – 3.2.2
WooCommerce Shipping & Tax: par WooCommerce – 1.26.3
WooCommerce: par Automattic – 7.0.0 (une mise à jour de la version 7.0.1 est disponible)
Yoast SEO: par L’équipe Yoast – 19.9
WP Rocket: par WP Media – 3.11.3
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium: par YITH – 3.0.13

### Inactive Plugins (15) ###

Akismet Anti-Spam: par Automattic – 5.0
Broken Link Checker: par WPMU DEV – 1.11.18
ELEX WooCommerce Role-based Pricing Plugin & WooCommerce Catalog Mode: par ELEXtensions – 2.6.9
Hello Dolly: par Matt Mullenweg – 1.7.2
Imagify: par Imagify - Optimize Images & Convert WebP – 2.0
JetThemeCore: par Crocoblock – 2.0.6
JetWidgets for Elementor and WooCommerce: par Crocoblock – 1.1.4
Mailchimp for WooCommerce: par Mailchimp – 2.7.3
Product Filter for WooCommerce: par XforWooCommerce – 8.3.0
Profile Builder: par Cozmoslabs – 3.7.9
Profile Builder Pro: par Cozmoslabs – 3.7.7
StoreCustomizer: par Kaira – 2.4.3
Ultimate Addons for Elementor: par Brainstorm Force – 1.36.10
WooCommerce: par Automattic – 7.0.0 (une mise à jour de la version 7.0.1 est disponible)
WP Super Cache: par Automattic – 1.9

### Dropin Plugins (1) ###

advanced-cache.php: advanced-cache.php

### Must Use Plugins (1) ###

Health Check Troubleshooting Mode: par  – 1.8.0

### Settings ###

API Enabled: –
Force SSL: –
Currency: EUR (€)
Currency Position: right_space
Thousand Separator: 
Decimal Separator: ,
Number of Decimals: 2
Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
grouped (grouped)
simple (simple)
variable (variable)

Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
featured (featured)
outofstock (outofstock)
rated-1 (rated-1)
rated-2 (rated-2)
rated-3 (rated-3)
rated-4 (rated-4)
rated-5 (rated-5)

Connected to –
Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: –

### WC Pages ###

Base de la boutique: #6177 - /boutique/
Panier: ❌ La page ne contient pas le code court [woocommerce_cart] ou le bloc woocommerce/cart.
Commander: ❌ La page ne contient pas le code court [woocommerce_checkout] ou le bloc woocommerce/checkout.
Mon compte: ❌ La page ne contient pas le code court [woocommerce_my_account].
Conditions générales de vente et d’utilisation: #137 - /cgv/

### Theme ###

Name: Hello Elementor Child
Author URL:
Child Theme: âś”
Parent Theme Name: Hello Elementor
Parent Theme Version: 2.6.1
Parent Theme Author URL:
WooCommerce Support: âś”

### Templates ###

Overrides: hello-elementor-child/woocommerce/cart/cart.php

### Admin ###

Enabled Features: activity-panels

Disabled Features: minified-js

Daily Cron: âś” Next scheduled: 2022-10-29 08:33:41 +02:00
Options: âś”
Notes: 57
Onboarding: completed

### WooCommerce Payments ###

Version: 4.9.0
Connected to WPCOM: Non
Blog ID: -
Account ID: -

### Action Scheduler ###

Terminé: 103
Oldest: 2022-09-28 07:38:27 +0200
Newest: 2022-10-28 09:29:38 +0200

Échoué: 1
Oldest: 2022-08-22 09:51:31 +0200
Newest: 2022-08-22 09:51:31 +0200

En attente: 5
Oldest: 2022-10-28 21:20:05 +0200
Newest: 2022-11-02 10:47:26 +0100

### CoCart ###

Version: 3.7.7
Database Version: 3.7.7
Install Date: 28 October 2022
Carts in Session: 7
Carts Active: 7 out of 7 in session.
Carts Expiring Soon: 0 out of 7 in session.
Carts Expired: 0 out of 7 in session.
Carts Source (by CoCart): 2
Carts Source (by Web): 5
Carts Source (by Other): 0

### Status report information ###

Generated at: 2022-11-02 10:48:57 +01:00

Isolating the problem

  • I have deactivated other plugins and confirmed this bug occurs when only CoCart plugin is active.
  • I can reproduce this bug consistently using the steps above.

@nicolas-prigent-needone This has been improved already in the upcoming major update which is currently in development on the "dev" branch. I would read the for details.

If you have any further feedback please let me know. Thank you.