co-cart / co-cart

🛒 CoCart makes it easy to decouple your WooCommerce store via a customizable REST API that takes the pain out of developing – allowing you to build fast and flexible headless stores.

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Undefined index: cart in class-cocart-session-handler.php on line 790

AlceoMazza opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

The following lines get appended to the body of a response made to endpoints of "wc/v3", "wp/v2" namespaces

<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: cart in <b>/[PATH_TO_WORDPRESS_INSTALLATION]/wp-content/plugins/cart-rest-api-for-woocommerce/includes/class-cocart-session-handler.php</b> on line <b>790</b><br />


  • I have searched for similar issues in both open and closed tickets and cannot find a duplicate.
  • The issue still exists against the latest master branch of CoCart on GitHub (this is not the same version as on!)
  • I have attempted to find the simplest possible steps to reproduce the issue.
  • I have included a failing test as a pull request (Optional)
  • I have installed the requirements to run this plugin.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Have debug mode enabled
  2. Had a 2.x version of CoCart
  3. Updated to CoCart 3.x
  4. The error started to appear and broke the body of some REST responses

Isolating the problem

  • This bug happens with only WooCommerce and CoCart plugin are active.
  • This bug happens with a default WordPress theme active.
  • This bug happens with the WordPress theme Storefront active.
  • This bug happens with the latest release of WooCommerce active.
  • This bug happens only when I authenticate as a customer.
  • This bug happens only when I authenticate as administrator.
  • I can reproduce this bug consistently using the steps above.

WordPress Environment

WordPress version: 5.8.1
WooCommerce: 5.8.0
CoCart version: 3.0.12 (the bug still persists in 3.1.0-rc.4)
PHP Version 7.3.31

Additional context

I have a WordPress instance where I installed CoCart 2.x a few months ago. I was testing an mobile app that needed the make requests to "cocart/v1", "wp/v2" and "wc/v3" and all the responses were fine. Then I updated to 3.x after it was released and all the responses made to "wp/v2" and "wc/v3" started to came with the lines specified above appended at the bottom of the response (with also the wp_cocart_session, but it's not needed when making requests to these namespaces). The bug still persists in version 3.1.0-rc.4 (line 804 of the file).

I've tried in WooCommerce > Status > Tools to:

  • Clear cart sessions
  • Clear expired carts
  • Update CoCart Database
  • Verify CoCart base database tables
    The notice was still appearing.

Also I later used CoCart in other WP instances, with the first installation being a 3.x for all and the problem did not appear (all have debug mode enabled). I've also tried to reduce the installed plugins of the compromised version to a subset of the working instances installed plugins, but still the notice was appearing.
Only difference: deleteing Yoast SEO plugin made the notice disappear from some endpoint of "wp/v2" and "wc/v3", but it's till present on others of the same namespaces

The notice persists in version 3.0.13 too (line 813).

Hi @AlceoMazza

Thank you for the report. Just to clarify, it's only on any endpoint starting with wp/v2 or wc/v3 and none of CoCart endpoints while having Yoast SEO active?

Hi @seb86

Yes, it's only related to endpoints in wp/v2 or wc/v3, in endpoints starting with cocart/v1 and cocart/v2 the notice never appeared.

With Yoast SEO enabled the notice appeared as far as I know on all wp/v2 and wc/v3 endpoints, after I uninstalled it the noticed disappeared in some endpoints (i.e. wc/v3/products/categories) but it's still present in others (i.e. wc/v3/products)

@AlceoMazza What an odd bug. OK thank you again. I will get that fixed asap.

Great! Thanks @seb86

@AlceoMazza I have not been able to replicate the issue on my end on any REST API request even with Yoast SEO installed. However, I have made an adjustment that I hope works and would like you to test for me. If you no longer get the issue I will push the update.

You can download the working patch from branch issue-273

Thank you.

Thank you very much @seb86, the patch solves the issue, now I'm able to make requests to wp/v2 and wc/v3 endpoints without having the response body broken in debug mode.

That's great to hear @AlceoMazza and everything is still working fine with CoCart?

@seb86 Yes, the CoCart endpoints are still working fine