cnr-isti-vclab / PyMeshLab

The open source mesh processing python library

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save_current_mesh ignoring save_vertex_normal argument

MikeImbar opened this issue · comments


When exporting a mesh using the following line:

ms.save_current_mesh('deci_test.ply', save_vertex_normal = True, save_vertex_color = False, save_vertex_quality = False)

It appears that it ignores the save_vertex_normal argument. The only reason I know that it does, is because I am using 3DHop to display ply files and it requires the meshes to have vertex normals.

When I try to export a mesh that has vertex normals using the same code, it exports one without them as well.

Any help would be appreciated. thanks.

Can't replicate the issue. When saving a ply file with save_vertex_normal = True, I only get ply files with

property double nx
property double ny
property double nz

for vertex element.

Could you please provide a reproducible example?

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. The resources of the VCLab team are limited, and so we are asking for your help. If this is a bug and you can still reproduce this error on the last release of PyMeshLab, please reply with all of the information you have about it in order to keep the issue open. If this is a feature request, and you feel that it is still relevant and valuable, please tell us why. This issue will automatically be closed in the near future if no further activity occurs. Thank you for all your contributions.