cnr-isti-vclab / PyMeshLab

The open source mesh processing python library

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Inconsistent remesh using meshing_isotropic_explicit_remeshing

mozarda opened this issue · comments

I'm doing some work on 3D classification with stl files. The input data consists of too small vertices number and also high vertices number. So, I was doing a remesh using this filter.

Somehow, the result of remesh is not consistent. It is always between two values.
My code is as below:

def mesh_process(file):
    ms = ml.MeshSet()
    m = ms.current_mesh()
    v_num = m.vertex_number()
    print(f'number of vertices={v_num}')


Using the same file, the result of v_num is always either A or B. For example, 200 and 205.
Is it normal that remeshing should give a different output?
Is there any way to make it consistent? like, defining a seed.