cnodejs / conf


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

New style and page requirements the website

fengmk2 opened this issue · comments

Page requirements

  • Homepage: introduce about the "Hu.js" and show "Buy tickets" big button.
  • Schedule: schedule table of the conference, should display 3 days all in one page.
  • Speakers: including listing of all speakers page and detail information of one person page.
  • Sponsors: listing all sponsors's name and logo.
  • Contact: contact information about the organizers.

I think we can refer nodeconf .

Color scheme

Green and blue should be ok.

@guille take a look.

I finsished the news system and pages system, but I'm still working for the style now. I will push it here when I think it's ok.