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Security Hub KubeCon EU 2024

mnm678 opened this issue · comments

This is a tracking issue for the Security Hub to keep track of event status and volunteer opportunities.

Intent to lead:

  • I volunteer to be a project lead on this proposal if the community is
    interested in pursing this work.
    This statement of intent does not preclude
    others from co-leading or becoming lead in my stead.

Proposal to Project:

  • Added to the planned meeting template for mm dd
  • Raised in a Security TAG meeting to determine interest - 03 06
  • Collaborators comment on issue for determine interest and nominate project
  • Scope determined via meeting mm dd and/or shared document add link
    with call for participation in #tag-security slack channel thread add link
    and mailing list email add link
  • Scope presented to Security TAG leadership and Sponsor is assigned


  • Security TAG Leadership Representative: @mnm678
  • Project leader(s): @mnm678
  • Issue is assigned to project leaders and Security TAG Leadership
  • Project Members:
  • Fill in addition TODO items here so the project team and community can
    see progress!
  • Scope
  • Deliverable(s)
  • Project Schedule
  • Slack Channel (as needed)
  • Meeting Time & Day:
  • Meeting Notes (link)
  • Meeting Details (zoom or hangouts link)
  • Retrospective

If you will be at the event, we are looking for unconference moderators:

Event took place already.

I think we should keep this open or create a new issue to write a retrospective on the event and previous security hubs so that future members can learn from us about organizing such events. Retrospective can be marked as completed once we merge a PR with details on how to organize such events under governance folder.

What do you all think?

During our last leads meeting, we had an extensive discussion that served as a retrospective on the Security Village and Security Hub over time. While it is theoretically and aspirationally appealing to create an unconference event, it requires significantly more volunteers than we can recruit. The effort involved exceeds the value we can provide or gain from it. We concluded that we were more effective and engaged when we had a dedicated microevent that matched the format of other colocated events. Therefore, we proposed returning to a series of organized presentations that leverage the CNCF event infrastructure, allowing us to both contribute in selecting the talks and also learn effectively as attendees.