cncf / tag-contributor-strategy

CNCF Technical Advisory Group on Contributor Strategy -- maintainer relations, building up contributors, governance, graduation, and more.

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CNCF Projects

YOGINIMAHIMA1 opened this issue · comments

Clear Project Vision and Documentation:

Clearly define the project's goals, scope, and vision in the README file.
Provide comprehensive documentation on how to set up the project, contribute code, and report issues.
Ensure that the contribution process is well-documented and easy to understand.
Issue Tracking:

Use GitHub Issues or another issue tracking system to manage tasks, enhancements, and bug reports.
Clearly label issues, indicating whether they are suitable for beginners or require more advanced skills.
Regularly review and triage issues to maintain an up-to-date backlog.
Contribution Guidelines:

Clearly outline contribution guidelines, including coding standards, testing requirements, and the process for submitting pull requests.
Provide a contribution template that contributors can use when submitting pull requests.
Code of Conduct:

Establish a code of conduct to ensure a positive and inclusive community atmosphere.
Enforce the code of conduct consistently to create a welcoming environment for contributors.
Mentoring Program:

Implement a mentorship program for new contributors, pairing them with experienced contributors who can guide them through the contribution process.
Good First Issue and Labels:

Identify and label "Good First Issue" or "Beginner Friendly" tasks to attract new contributors.
Use other labels to categorize issues based on their complexity or domain.
Regular Release Schedule:

Stick to a regular release schedule to keep the project updated and attract contributors who want to work on the latest features.
Clearly communicate release timelines and planned features.
Recognition and Rewards:

Acknowledge and appreciate contributors through various means, such as a contributors' section in the README, social media shout-outs, or a Hall of Fame.
Consider offering swag, certificates, or other small rewards for significant contributions.
Automated Testing and CI/CD:

Implement automated testing to ensure code quality and stability.
Use continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate the testing and deployment processes.
Transparent Decision-Making:

Clearly communicate the decision-making process for accepting or rejecting contributions.
Encourage community input on important decisions through discussions or polls.
Community Channels:

Establish communication channels, such as a mailing list, Discord, or a dedicated forum, where contributors can discuss ideas, seek help, and collaborate.
Regularly Update Roadmap:

Maintain a public roadmap outlining the project's future direction, features, and goals.
Legal Considerations:

Clearly outline the project's licensing terms.
Ensure contributors understand and agree to the project's licensing terms when submitting contributions.
By implementing these strategies, you'll create an environment that attracts and retains contributors while maintaining a healthy and sustainable open source project. Regularly review and update your strategy to adapt to the evolving needs of your project and community.


Can you clarify your request in this ticket please?

yeah sure!!

This whole context is regarding how to open issues and find out bugs!!

I am closing this ticket. Please send a PR to the relevant part where you want to improve.