cncf / sheriff

Controls and monitors organization permissions across GitHub, Slack and GSuite. Built with ❤️ by The Electron Team

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Migrate project maintainer data over to cncf/people from maintainers.csv

RobertKielty opened this issue · comments


Lift and shift maintainer data so that it can be used by cncf/sheriff to control access to repos in the CNCF GitHub Org.

Benefits: Maintainer Data will have a single source of truth for use in CNCF Process Automation.





Multiple ways we could do this. Here are two suggestions. Open to hearing others.

Big bang

Write a script to process the full project-maintainer.csv file so it updates the destination files in one go (we would have to merge the data so that there were now repeats) this would generate a single PR for cncf/people

Might be hard to review (will have to gauge the overlap between both datasets)

Create a PR for each Project in maintainers.csv

Write a script to create a per-Project/Team PR. This would allow Projects and the CNCF to review the changes on a per project basis offering the opportunity to review team membership as we work through those PRs.