cncf / k8s-conformance

🧪CNCF K8s Conformance Working Group

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conformance v1.18.7 & v1.18.8 fails with Pod entered a fatal terminal status: failed

projuri opened this issue · comments



Running sonobuoy conformance test works with v1.18.6, but fails with v1.18.7 and v1.18.8.

How would you usually troubleshoot those issues?

./sonobuoy run --sonobuoy-image <REPO>sonobuoy/sonobuoy:v0.18.5 --e2e-repo-config sonobuoy118 --plugin e2e --kube-conformance-image --plugin scaling.yaml --wait
INFO[0002] created object                                name=sonobuoy namespace= resource=namespaces
INFO[0002] created object                                name=sonobuoy-serviceaccount namespace=sonobuoy resource=serviceaccounts
INFO[0002] created object                                name=sonobuoy-serviceaccount-sonobuoy namespace= resource=clusterrolebindings
INFO[0002] created object                                name=sonobuoy-serviceaccount-sonobuoy namespace= resource=clusterroles
INFO[0002] created object                                name=sonobuoy-config-cm namespace=sonobuoy resource=configmaps
INFO[0002] created object                                name=sonobuoy-plugins-cm namespace=sonobuoy resource=configmaps
INFO[0002] created object                                name=sonobuoy namespace=sonobuoy resource=pods
INFO[0002] created object                                name=repolist-cm namespace=sonobuoy resource=configmaps
INFO[0002] created object                                name=sonobuoy-aggregator namespace=sonobuoy resource=services
        ERRO[0322] error attempting to run sonobuoy: waiting for run to finish: Pod entered a fatal terminal status: failed

Sonobuoy logs

 ./sonobuoy logs
error streaming logs from container [e2e]: container "e2e" in pod "sonobuoy-e2e-job-6d503998d9f84c4f" is waiting to start: image can't be pullednamespace="sonobuoy" pod="sonobuoy-e2e-job-6d503998d9f84c4f" container="sonobuoy-worker"
time="2021-04-23T04:50:11Z" level=info msg="Waiting for waitfile" waitfile=/tmp/results/done
time="2021-04-23T04:50:11Z" level=info msg="Starting to listen on port 8099 for progress updates and will relay them to https://[]:8080/api/v1/progress/global/e2e"
error streaming logs from container [e2e]: container "e2e" in pod "sonobuoy-e2e-job-6d503998d9f84c4f" is waiting to start: image can't be pulledtime="2021-04-23T04:50:11Z" level=info msg="Waiting for waitfile" waitfile=/tmp/results/done
time="2021-04-23T04:50:11Z" level=info msg="Starting to listen on port 8099 for progress updates and will relay them to https://[]:8080/api/v1/progress/global/e2e"
namespace="sonobuoy" pod="sonobuoy-scaling-job-305c4681c72340bf" container="plugin"

Thank you in advance

  Warning  Failed     26s (x2 over 40s)  kubelet, ip-10-161-157-63.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal  Error: ErrImagePull
  Normal   BackOff    11s (x2 over 31s)  kubelet, ip-10-161-157-63.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal  Back-off pulling image "

Solved. It appears that v.1.18.8 image doesn't exist, "Start the conformance tests on your EKS cluster" guide is misleading

sonobuoy run \
  --mode=certified-conformance \
  --kubeconfig=/tmp/test-eks.kubeconfig.yaml \