cmyr / cargo-instruments

A cargo plugin to generate Xcode Instruments trace files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support --manifest-path?

helixbass opened this issue · comments

Hi, what I'd like to do is to be able to profile running a Cargo-based project from a different working directory. From a little reading it looks like the standard argument to Cargo subcommands to achieve that is --manifest-path ../path/to/Cargo.toml, eg I'm able to do cargo run --manifest-path ../path/to/Cargo.toml from my desired working directory. So would it make sense for cargo instruments to also support being invoked with --manifest-path eg cargo instruments --manifest-path ../path/to/Cargo.toml -t alloc?

This would be nice! I don't know if I'll have time to implement this myself in the near future, but if you'd like to prepare a PR I would be happy to review it!

added in #79