cmsetzer / autocensus

Python package for collecting ACS and geospatial data from the Census API

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TypeError: str argument expected

datarebellion opened this issue · comments

Hi again! I was running a query that worked before without any issues. I haven't changed anything, but I'm receiving this error. I think it has to do with the geography variables - I'm trying to pull all states and all counties. When I specific one state and one county, the query works. Any suggestions on why this might not work now? Thank you!

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[8], line 4
      1 #@title ACS 1-Year Estimates Detailed Tables - B01001B | Sex by Age (Black or African American Alone)
      3 # Configure query
----> 4 query3 = Query(
      5     estimate=1,
      6     years=[2022],
      7     variables=['B01001B_001E',	'B01001B_001EA',	'B01001B_001M',	'B01001B_001MA',	'B01001B_002E',	'B01001B_002EA',	'B01001B_002M',	'B01001B_002MA',	'B01001B_003E',	'B01001B_003EA',	'B01001B_003M',	'B01001B_003MA',	'B01001B_004E',	'B01001B_004EA',	'B01001B_004M',	'B01001B_004MA',	'B01001B_005E',	'B01001B_005EA',	'B01001B_005M',	'B01001B_005MA',	'B01001B_006E',	'B01001B_006EA',	'B01001B_006M',	'B01001B_006MA',	'B01001B_007E',	'B01001B_007M',	'B01001B_007MA',	'B01001B_007EA',	'B01001B_008E',	'B01001B_008EA',	'B01001B_008M',	'B01001B_008MA',	'B01001B_009E',	'B01001B_009EA',	'B01001B_009M',	'B01001B_009MA',	'B01001B_010E',	'B01001B_010EA',	'B01001B_010M',	'B01001B_010MA',	'B01001B_011E',	'B01001B_011EA',	'B01001B_011M',	'B01001B_011MA',	'B01001B_012E',	'B01001B_012EA',	'B01001B_012M',	'B01001B_012MA',	'B01001B_013E',	'B01001B_013EA',	'B01001B_013M',	'B01001B_013MA',	'B01001B_014E',	'B01001B_014EA',	'B01001B_014M',	'B01001B_014MA',	'B01001B_015E',	'B01001B_015EA',	'B01001B_015M',	'B01001B_015MA',	'B01001B_016E',	'B01001B_016EA',	'B01001B_016M',	'B01001B_016MA',	'B01001B_017E',	'B01001B_017EA',	'B01001B_017M',	'B01001B_017MA',	'B01001B_018E',	'B01001B_018EA',	'B01001B_018M',	'B01001B_018MA',	'B01001B_019E',	'B01001B_019EA',	'B01001B_019M',	'B01001B_019MA',	'B01001B_020E',	'B01001B_020EA',	'B01001B_020M',	'B01001B_020MA',	'B01001B_021E',	'B01001B_021EA',	'B01001B_021M',	'B01001B_021MA',	'B01001B_022E',	'B01001B_022EA',	'B01001B_022M',	'B01001B_022MA',	'B01001B_023E',	'B01001B_023M',	'B01001B_023MA',	'B01001B_023EA',	'B01001B_024E',	'B01001B_024M',	'B01001B_024MA',	'B01001B_024EA',	'B01001B_025E',	'B01001B_025M',	'B01001B_025MA',	'B01001B_025EA',	'B01001B_026E',	'B01001B_026EA',	'B01001B_026M',	'B01001B_026MA',	'B01001B_027E',	'B01001B_027EA',	'B01001B_027M',	'B01001B_027MA',	'B01001B_028E',	'B01001B_028M',	'B01001B_028MA',	'B01001B_028EA',	'B01001B_029E',	'B01001B_029M',	'B01001B_029MA',	'B01001B_029EA',	'B01001B_030E',	'B01001B_030EA',	'B01001B_030M',	'B01001B_030MA',	'B01001B_031E',	'B01001B_031EA',	'B01001B_031M',	'B01001B_031MA',
      8 ],
      9     for_geo='county:*',
     10     in_geo=['state:*'],
     11     # Optional arg to add geometry: 'points', 'polygons', or None (default)
     12     geometry='points',
     13     # Fill in the following with your actual Census API key
     14     census_api_key=key
     15 )
     17 # Run query and collect output in dataframe
     18 acs_oneyr_B01001B =

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/autocensus/, in Query.__init__(self, estimate, years, variables, for_geo, in_geo, geometry, resolution, census_api_key)
     87 self._variables = wrap_scalar_value_in_list(variables)
     88 self.for_geo = [Geo(geo) for geo in wrap_scalar_value_in_list(for_geo)]
     89 self.in_geo = (
---> 90     [] if in_geo is None else [Geo(geo) for geo in wrap_scalar_value_in_list(in_geo)]
     91 )
     93 # Validate geometry and resolution
     94 if geometry is None or geometry in GEOMETRIES:

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/autocensus/, in <listcomp>(.0)
     87 self._variables = wrap_scalar_value_in_list(variables)
     88 self.for_geo = [Geo(geo) for geo in wrap_scalar_value_in_list(for_geo)]
     89 self.in_geo = (
---> 90     [] if in_geo is None else [Geo(geo) for geo in wrap_scalar_value_in_list(in_geo)]
     91 )
     93 # Validate geometry and resolution
     94 if geometry is None or geometry in GEOMETRIES:

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/autocensus/, in Geo.__init__(self, value, code)
     46 # Convert state abbreviation to FIPS code as needed
     47 if (self.type == 'state') and (code != '*'):
---> 48     state = us.states.lookup(self.code)
     49     if state is not None:
     50         self.code = state.fips

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/us/, in lookup(val, field, use_cache)
     84         field = "abbr"
     85     else:
---> 86         val = jellyfish.metaphone(val)
     87         field = "name_metaphone"
     89 # see if result is in cache

TypeError: str argument expected

Hi again @datarebellion, I've tried the query you shared but have not been able to reproduce this error. Since you mention that the same query was working before, I wonder if there was a weird transient issue with the Census API response (this is not unheard of).

If you are able to reproduce the error again, it would be useful to know the following:

  • The query you are using (as in your example above)
  • Your OS (Windows/Mac/Linux)
  • Your Python version: python --version
  • Your autocensus version: python -c 'import autocensus; print(autocensus.__version__)'