cmdln / flashbake

Scripts to gather information for including in version history comments and to make using source control a bit simpler for non-technical projects.

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A DNS error is bubbling out from a plugin to stderr

cmdln opened this issue · comments

Not the end of the world but network errors should not tank a commit, they should just trip the no network available message in the commit. I need to reproduce this locally so I can figure out which plugin is responsible. Cory reported this and roughly correlated a name or service unknown error showing up in a cron mail with some work he was doing offline.

In reviewing the code, this is a messaging error, not necessarily a fixable failure. That is the error message emitted is causing the confusion. A better message, simply reporting the plugin could not connect to the network, would be more accurate and solve this issue.

Fixed the network failure messages to be more clear to the typical user.