clovaai / deep-text-recognition-benchmark

Text recognition (optical character recognition) with deep learning methods, ICCV 2019

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Added FLOPs in our paper (Table 8, arXiv v4).

ku21fan opened this issue · comments


We received some requests about FLOPs of each model, thus we calculated it and updated our paper.
In this issue, we summarize the detail of our FLOPs calculation.

Our FLOPS calculation is approximate value.

  1. Our calculation is mainly based on THOP, which is not an official PyTorch code. (but popular one)

  2. From this issue and readme of THOP, THOP seems like to calculate MACs instead of FLOPs, thus we just use # MACs * 2 as # FLOPs.

  3. We have some irregular modules, which are not in THOP: GridGenerator and LSTM/LSTMCell.
    Thus, we calculate FLOPs of GridGenerator module by this code.

def count_GridGenerator(m):
    # size
    num_fiducial_point = 20
    image_width = 32
    image_height = 100

    # count calculation #
    # we count euclidian distance (d_ij) as 3 MACs, since euclidian distance (d_ij) is root(square(c_i - c_j))
    R = num_fiducial_point * num_fiducial_point * 3 * 3  # 3600,  20x20 (size of R), 3 = square, *, ln, 3 = d_ij
    # we count matrix inversion as N^3 MACs
    inv_delta_C = (num_fiducial_point + 3) ** 3 # 12167
    T = (num_fiducial_point + 3) * (num_fiducial_point + 3) * 2  # 1058
    P = image_width * image_height * (num_fiducial_point + 3) * 2  # 147200

    total_ops = R + inv_delta_C + T + P  # 164025, about 0.164M MACs

    m.total_ops += torch.Tensor([int(total_ops)])

and calculate FLOPs of LSTM by this code.

def count_LSTM(m, x, y):
    # size
    input_size = x[0].size(-1)
    hidden_state_size = y[0].size(-1)  # = output_size
    cell_state_size = y[0].size(-1)  # = output_size

    # count calculation
    # count sigmoid/tanh activation function as 0 MACs
    # 3*hidden_state_size = count addition operation.
    input_gate = input_size * hidden_state_size + hidden_state_size * hidden_state_size \
        + 3 * hidden_state_size
    forget_gate = input_size * hidden_state_size + hidden_state_size * hidden_state_size \
        + 3 * hidden_state_size
    cell_gate = input_size * hidden_state_size + hidden_state_size * hidden_state_size \
        + 3 * hidden_state_size
    output_gate = input_size * hidden_state_size + hidden_state_size * hidden_state_size \
        + 3 * hidden_state_size

    update_cell_state = hidden_state_size + hidden_state_size + hidden_state_size
    update_hidden_state = hidden_state_size

    total_ops = input_gate + forget_gate + cell_gate + output_gate + update_cell_state + update_hidden_state

    time_step = x[0].size(-2)

    m.total_ops += torch.Tensor([int(total_ops)]) * time_step

We attached our modified profile code of THOP and we simply use the below code to calculate FLOPs.

import torch
import model
from thop import profile
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

input = torch.randn(1, 1, 32, 100).to(device)
text_for_pred = torch.LongTensor(1, opt.batch_max_length + 1).fill_(0).to(device)
model_ = model.Model(opt).to(device)
MACs, params = profile(model_, inputs=(input, text_for_pred, ))
flops = 2 * MACs # approximate FLOPs

If you found some issues, please let us know.


According in your paper is it the number of Floating point operations (FLOPs ) not the Floating point operations per second (FLOPS) ?

You are right. It is FLOPs rather than FLOPS.

That was my mistake.

Thank you for the comment :)