cloudposse / terraform-aws-vpc-peering

Terraform module to create a peering connection between two VPCs in the same AWS account.

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VPC Peering routes should be preserved if they don't change.

3h4x opened this issue · comments

Describe the Feature

Current code for adding routes is based on count

# Create routes from requestor to acceptor
resource "aws_route" "requestor" {
count = module.this.enabled ? length(distinct(sort(data.aws_route_tables.requestor.0.ids))) * length(data.aws_vpc.acceptor.0.cidr_block_associations) : 0
route_table_id = element(distinct(sort(data.aws_route_tables.requestor.0.ids)), ceil(count.index / length(data.aws_vpc.acceptor.0.cidr_block_associations)))
destination_cidr_block = data.aws_vpc.acceptor.0.cidr_block_associations[count.index % length(data.aws_vpc.acceptor.0.cidr_block_associations)]["cidr_block"]
vpc_peering_connection_id = join("", aws_vpc_peering_connection.default.*.id)
depends_on = [data.aws_route_tables.requestor, aws_vpc_peering_connection.default]
# Create routes from acceptor to requestor
resource "aws_route" "acceptor" {
count = module.this.enabled ? length(distinct(sort(data.aws_route_tables.acceptor.0.ids))) * length(data.aws_vpc.requestor.0.cidr_block_associations) : 0
route_table_id = element(distinct(sort(data.aws_route_tables.acceptor.0.ids)), ceil(count.index / length(data.aws_vpc.requestor.0.cidr_block_associations)))
destination_cidr_block = data.aws_vpc.requestor.0.cidr_block_associations[count.index % length(data.aws_vpc.requestor.0.cidr_block_associations)]["cidr_block"]
vpc_peering_connection_id = join("", aws_vpc_peering_connection.default.*.id)
depends_on = [data.aws_route_tables.acceptor, aws_vpc_peering_connection.default]

Changing tags can possible result in changing count order and removal of actually using peering routing.

Expected Behavior

If matching pattern tag for a route is changed then only associated route table for this exact peering should be changed.

Use Case

It's possible that downtime will happen during terraform apply when tags will be changed on route.

Describe Ideal Solution

aws_route inside this module should use for_each which would prevent temporary routing changes