cloudfoundry / loggregator-release

Cloud Native Logging

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Websocket handshake error:not a websocket handshake: ‘upgrade’ token not found in ‘Connection’ header

acloudtechie opened this issue · comments

I have a fresh PCF SRT (1.12) installation on AWS. When I do a push of the sample Spring-Music sample application (, I got this warning:

"Timed out waiting for connection to Loggregator".

And The log from /var/vcap/sys/log/loggregator_trafficcontroller on the control vm shows this error:

2017/11/30 17:22:37 Connecting to 1 dopplers
2017/11/30 17:22:37 websocket handler: Not a websocket handshake: websocket: not a websocket handshake: ‘upgrade’ token not found in ‘Connection’ header
2017/11/30 17:22:37 Disconnecting from stream ( (doppler.disconnect=false) (ctx.disconnect=1)
2017/11/30 17:22:37 error receiving from doppler via gRPC context canceled

Any suggestion what would be the cause of the issue and how I can resolve it? Thanks.

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We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this:

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

@mingatcgi It sounds like your PCF deployment is not configured correctly. I would reach out to PCF support.

@mingatcgi - are you still experiencing the issue? As Andrew mentioned if you are using PCF, feel free to escalate through Pivotal support. I am closing this issue.

Found this issue via Google..

I ran into this exact exception for a similar action (failure to retrieve logs when doing a command like cf logs <app_name>)

Likewise, my environment was Pivotal CF on AWS.

I know this is on Pivotal's side, but commenting in case anyone else stumbles across this issue as I did.

When deploying PCF to AWS, you must set/override the Loggregator port to 4443 (per their documentation)

Relevant doc:

For Loggregator Port, you must enter 4443 In AWS deployments, port 4443 forwards SSL traffic
that supports WebSockets from the ELB. Do not use the default port of 443

Hope this helps anyone who skimmed the docs a little to quick the first time around like me!

@GeekyTex : Thanks a lot for this information. Will this work even in CF cli (cf version 6.36.1+e3799ad7e.2018-04-04)?? Could you please guide how to set Loggregator port?