cloudfoundry-attic / cfdev

A fast and easy local Cloud Foundry experience on native hypervisors, powered by LinuxKit with VPNKit

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cf dev start fails on the Get request for (Macos 10.15.3)

sfrevel opened this issue · comments

I always get the following error on an Mac with Catalina 10.15.3, with 16GB, and an SSD. But on an other MAC (an older one - also Catalina 10.15.3, 16GB, SSD) everything comes up smoothly?

Fetching info:
  Performing request GET '':
    Performing GET request:
      Retry: Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout

Exit code 1

when I try a curl -v I can see that there is a connect to the IP:PORT and Client Handshake is send but then the timeout.
Any Ideas? I'm pretty lost right now what could be the difference.

cf dev version
CLI: 0.0.17
BUILD: 14 (b36c82e)

cf: v11.2.0
cf-mysql: 36.19.0

We also testet a Mac with 32GB there we get the same error

Creating the VM...
Starting VPNKit...
Waiting for the VM...
Deploying the BOSH Director...
Deploying CF...
  Preparing deployment (2m38s)FAILED
cf dev start: Failed to deploy services: Failed to deploy CF: exit status 1

after searching a little more it seems that the bosh login fails with the same error

eval $(cf dev bosh env)

export BOSH_LOG_LEVEL=debug
sfr:~$ bosh login
[File System] 2020/02/27 09:06:16 DEBUG - Expanding path for '~/.bosh/tmp'
[File System] 2020/02/27 09:06:16 DEBUG - Making dir /Users/xxx/.bosh/tmp with perm 0777
[File System] 2020/02/27 09:06:16 DEBUG - Expanding path for '~/.bosh/config'
[File System] 2020/02/27 09:06:16 DEBUG - Checking if file exists /Users/xxx/.bosh/config
[File System] 2020/02/27 09:06:16 DEBUG - Stat '/Users/xxx/.bosh/config'
[File System] 2020/02/27 09:06:16 DEBUG - Expanding path for '~/.bosh/config'
[File System] 2020/02/27 09:06:16 DEBUG - Checking if file exists /Users/xxx/.bosh/config
[File System] 2020/02/27 09:06:16 DEBUG - Stat '/Users/xxx/.bosh/config'
[director.Factory] 2020/02/27 09:06:16 DEBUG - Using custom root CAs
[httpClient] 2020/02/27 09:06:16 DEBUG - Sending GET request to endpoint ''
[attemptRetryStrategy] 2020/02/27 09:06:16 DEBUG - Making attempt #0 for *httpclient.RequestRetryable
[clientRetryable] 2020/02/27 09:06:16 DEBUG - [requestID=d2d9dd0e-6d66-4d7e-4711-fef0c1d5f5d9] Requesting (attempt=1): Request{ Method: 'GET', URL: '' }
[attemptRetryStrategy] 2020/02/27 09:06:46 DEBUG - Making attempt #1 for *httpclient.RequestRetryable
[clientRetryable] 2020/02/27 09:06:46 DEBUG - [requestID=d2d9dd0e-6d66-4d7e-4711-fef0c1d5f5d9] Requesting (attempt=2): Request{ Method: 'GET', URL: '' }
[attemptRetryStrategy] 2020/02/27 09:07:17 DEBUG - Making attempt #2 for *httpclient.RequestRetryable
[clientRetryable] 2020/02/27 09:07:17 DEBUG - [requestID=d2d9dd0e-6d66-4d7e-4711-fef0c1d5f5d9] Requesting (attempt=3): Request{ Method: 'GET', URL: '' }
[attemptRetryStrategy] 2020/02/27 09:07:47 DEBUG - Making attempt #3 for *httpclient.RequestRetryable
[clientRetryable] 2020/02/27 09:07:47 DEBUG - [requestID=d2d9dd0e-6d66-4d7e-4711-fef0c1d5f5d9] Requesting (attempt=4): Request{ Method: 'GET', URL: '' }
[attemptRetryStrategy] 2020/02/27 09:08:18 DEBUG - Making attempt #4 for *httpclient.RequestRetryable
[clientRetryable] 2020/02/27 09:08:18 DEBUG - [requestID=d2d9dd0e-6d66-4d7e-4711-fef0c1d5f5d9] Requesting (attempt=5): Request{ Method: 'GET', URL: '' }
[CLI] 2020/02/27 09:08:48 ERROR - Fetching info: Performing request GET '': Performing GET request: Retry: Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout
Fetching info:
  Performing request GET '':
    Performing GET request:
      Retry: Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout

Exit code 1

We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this:

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

Could you please report the last chunk of logs from: ~/.cfdev/log/deploy-bosh.log

Hi aemengo,
thxs for your response.

^@^@^@^Ascp: protocol error: unexpected <newline>
^@^@^@^Ascp: protocol error: unexpected <newline>
^@^@^@^Ascp: protocol error: unexpected <newline>
Deployment manifest: '/root/director.yml'
Deployment state: 'state.json'

Started validating
  Validating release 'bosh'... Finished (00:00:01)
  Validating release 'bpm'... Finished (00:00:02)
  Validating release 'os-conf'... Finished (00:00:00)
  Validating release 'bosh-runc-cpi'... Finished (00:00:00)
  Validating cpi release... Finished (00:00:00)
  Validating deployment manifest... Finished (00:00:01)
  Validating stemcell... Finished (00:00:08)
Finished validating (00:00:17)

Started installing CPI
  Compiling package 'runc-cpi/14cee2d6256a9def3f8ce1cb00dabc6484aca9cb'... Finished (00:00:02)
  Installing packages... Finished (00:00:00)
  Rendering job templates... Finished (00:00:00)
  Installing job 'runc_cpi'... Finished (00:00:00)
Finished installing CPI (00:00:03)

Starting registry... Finished (00:00:00)
Uploading stemcell 'bosh-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent/170.16'... Skipped [Stemcell already uploaded] (00:00:00)

Started deploying
  Deleting VM 'c64e2379-5162-471b-9648-3c46083a509a'... Finished (00:00:12)
  Creating VM for instance 'bosh/0' from stemcell '1bbad575-e59a-4b45-8da5-886ecdb2cb82'... Finished (00:00:05)
  Waiting for the agent on VM '69fcf6a7-8355-4c26-8c2b-eb10256b427a' to be ready... Finished (00:00:04)
  Attaching disk 'fcceadb7-a4ca-4a27-976a-4e339facb4bd' to VM '69fcf6a7-8355-4c26-8c2b-eb10256b427a'... Finished (00:00:03)
  Rendering job templates... Finished (00:00:12)
  Compiling package 'ruby-2.4-r4/0cdc60ed7fdb326e605479e9275346200af30a25'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'mysql/898f50dde093c366a644964ccb308a5281c226de'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'libpq/0d118c5dd7928f8c057de40b5f8f2d7dde48f6c7'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'bpm-runc/c0b41921c5063378870a7c8867c6dc1aa84e7d85'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'golang/27413c6b5a88ea20a24a9eed74d4b090b7b88331'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'director/c10bed194a653255948f31345bcfbfb87c1d1339'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'postgres-9.4/b34d67da70e0295c09e4f4122e312f64e50896eb'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'verify_multidigest/8fc5d654cebad7725c34bb08b3f60b912db7094a'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'bpm/d139b63561eaa3893976416be9668dea539bf17d'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'nginx/5a68865452a3bdcc233867edbbb59c1e18658f6b'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'gonats/73ec55f11c24dd7c02288cdffa24446023678cc2'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'bosh-gcscli/fce60f2d82653ea7e08c768f077c9c4a738d0c39'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'davcli/f8a86e0b88dd22cb03dec04e42bdca86b07f79c3'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 's3cli/3097f27cb9356172c9ae52de945821c4e338c87a'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Compiling package 'runc-cpi/14cee2d6256a9def3f8ce1cb00dabc6484aca9cb'... Finished (00:00:03)
  Compiling package 'health_monitor/c5a852ce964ec9a288577ec50f2092c42efe880f'... Skipped [Package already compiled] (00:00:00)
  Updating instance 'bosh/0'... Finished (00:00:15)
  Waiting for instance 'bosh/0' to be running... Finished (00:00:38)
  Running the post-start scripts 'bosh/0'... Finished (00:00:01)
Finished deploying (00:01:41)

Stopping registry... Finished (00:00:00)
Cleaning up rendered CPI jobs... Finished (00:00:00)


OK , we found the problem. The IP was not in the exclude rules of the company firewall network traffic filtering.

May this issue will help someone else...


watch -d "lsof -n -i |grep 25555"

will help to see that the connection is established when cf dev start is running.