cloudfoundry-attic / cf-mysql-broker

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where is the url /manage/auth/cloudfoundry

nkuacac opened this issue · comments

Follow is my step, please forgive me if there is something obviously.

  1. I setup mysql-broker local. (rackup -p 80)
  2. cf create broker and make plans public.
  3. cf create service.
  4. get service instance dashboard url.
  5. Browse the dashboard url.
    the mysql-broker shows:
[29/Jul/2014 19:17:07] "GET /manage/instances/ed93c2c8-b611-40b6-93a0-00adfe9be4cc HTTP/1.1" 302 - 0.3368
[29/Jul/2014 19:17:07] "GET /manage/auth/cloudfoundry HTTP/1.1" 404 17174 0.0490

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I believe this is an endpoint on the dashboard UI that runs on the broker. This app depends on UAA, Login Server, and Cloud Controller. It also requires that the broker catalog advertises the dashboard_client param; after creating the broker in CC, this client should have been added to UAA.

@shalako Thanks.
I find the reason now.
The default Rails.env is developer. because the code above, broker will not response the url /manage/auth/cloudfoundry.
make a new database.yml and settings.yml in config with other name.

  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  database: development
  pool: 5
  username: root
  password: root
  host: localhost
  port: 3306
  auth_password: 'secret'
  <<: *defaults

@nkuacac Hello, you should also confirm that cc_service_broker_client is configured in your manifest for cloud controller (in cf-release), otherwise the client for mysql dashboard won't be created in UAA when broker is registered. For more info, see

@shalako Thinks. I did.