cloudflarearchive / cloudflare-elastic

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errors ingesting logs

scrissti opened this issue · comments

index [cloudflare-2020-07-27], type [doc], id [YrQipHMBdg6HnJMNnOLH], message [ElasticsearchException[Elasticsearch exception [type=mapper_parsing_exception, reason=object mapping for [ClientIP] tried to parse field [ClientIP] as object, but found a concrete value]]]

any idea?

I am getting something similar error.

index [cloudflare-2020-08-24], type [doc], id [twfLK3QBZPLRqQAOyPh7], message [ElasticsearchException[Elasticsearch exception [type=illegal_argument_exception, reason=mapper [server.ip] cannot be changed from type [ip] to [text]]]]

Any idea? I am using latest cloudflare-elastic index mappings and pipeline. I also made sure that I dont have old index so delete pipeline/index and recreated them. I still see above error and entire document is rejected.