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🐛 BUG: Network Request Response no data available for large responses

leongrdic opened this issue · comments


Which Cloudflare product(s) does this pertain to?

Wrangler core, Miniflare

What version(s) of the tool(s) are you using?

3.34.2 [Wrangler]

What version of Node are you using?


What operating system and version are you using?

MacOS Sonoma 14.4

Describe the Bug

Observed behavior

The Network > [specific request] > Response tab in DevTools shows a message stating "This request has no response data available":
This happens when the response is large, I haven't managed to pinpoint exactly when it starts happening.

Expected behavior

The Response tab to show the response that was received in the worker.


// found this publicly available JSON endpoint that is large enough to reproduce this behavior
const json = await fetch('');

I've transferred this to the workerd repo, since I think this is a runtime bug. See the playground for a reproduction, but essentially it looks like cfResponse is empty on CDP Network.loadingFinished events when the body is too large. @irvinebroque would someone be able to take a look at this?