cloudflare / sslconfig

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Tag mismatch when using asm chacha20_poly1305_{seal, open} directly for rfc7539

anirudhvr opened this issue · comments

Hi @vkrasnov -

Since the EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl API for c20p is specifically for TLS (with the 13-byte AAD + seq number mixing), I'm trying to use the underlying ASM seal/open APIs to get rfc7539 behavior. From looking at e_chacha20_poly1305.c, there doesn't seem to be any TLS-specific details in the ASM implementation. Code snippet adapted from e_chacha20_poly1305.c behavior per

unsigned char key_iv[32 + 4 + 12];
memcpy(key_iv, key, 32);
memset(key_iv + 32, 0, 4);
memcpy(key_iv + 32 + 4, iv, 12);
chacha20_poly1305_seal(ciphertext, plaintext, plaintext_len + 16, (uint8_t*)aad, aad_len, key_iv);
return plaintext_len + 16;

Since we're not doing this for TLS, there are no seq numbers to XOR into the IV. However, on testing this with the input here: - the encryption and decryption work correctly but the tag is wrong. Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks

The length argument should be the length of the plaintext without the tag. The tag length is implicit.

Wow, that was indeed simple; I also had to do ciphertext_len - 16 and it works now! Thanks!

I was misled by this snippet :)
/* Fix for MAC */
inl -= POLY1305_MAC_LEN;