cloudflare / pint

Prometheus rule linter/validator

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Pint failing to check indent issue with Github CI

AmandeepSaxena opened this issue · comments

We are using pint with github ci to check rules, following this the rule for which check ran:

- name: GO Routines alert
          interval: 1m
            - alert: Increase in the number of go routines for Mozart
              expr: sum(increase(go_goroutines{k8s_pod=~"go-[a-zA-Z0-9]+-[a-zA-Z0-9]+"})) > 2000
              for: 5m
                bu: payments
                pod: platforms
                service: go
                severity: critical
                live: "true"
                slack_channel: "#platforms_alerts"
                identifier: Increase in the number of go routines 
                description: Number of go routines on mozart "{{ $value }}"

following is the log of pipeline which ran this check

>>> GITHUB_WORKSPACE: /github/workspace
>>> Running steps for PR from trunk (not fork)
>>> BASE BRANCH: master
>>> PR BRANCH: AmandeepSaxena-patch-21
 * branch              master     -> FETCH_HEAD
Previous HEAD position was 5ac9f563 Merge 1a1d6f55f09ef159f1b5224b328be[7]( into 0[8]([9](
Switched to a new branch 'master'
branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'.
 * branch              AmandeepSaxena-patch-21 -> FETCH_HEAD
Switched to a new branch 'AmandeepSaxena-patch-21'
branch 'AmandeepSaxena-patch-21' set up to track 'origin/AmandeepSaxena-patch-21'.
>>> Running: pint   ci --base-branch=master 
level=INFO msg="Loading configuration file" path=.pint.hcl
level=INFO msg="Finding all rules to check on current git branch" base=master
level=INFO msg="No rules found, skipping Prometheus discovery"
level=INFO msg="Setting GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER from GITHUB_REF env variable" pr=7079
level=INFO msg="Setting repository owner from GITHUB_REPOSITORY env variable" owner=razorpay
level=INFO msg="Setting repository name from GITHUB_REPOSITORY env variable" repo=alert-rules
level=INFO msg="Setting repository base URI from GITHUB_API_URL env variable" baseuri=
level=INFO msg="Setting repository upload URI from GITHUB_API_URL env variable" uploaduri=
level=INFO msg="Got HEAD commit from git" commit=1a1d6f55f09ef[15]([16](
level=INFO msg="Creating pull request review" repo=razorpay/alert-rules commit=1a1d6f55f09ef159f1b5224b328be71602692f06
level=INFO msg="Pull request review created" status="[20]( OK"
level=INFO msg="Creating review comments"

following is the config file .pint.hcl

rule {
  match {
    kind = "alerting"
reject "(?i)^.*\\{\\{\\s\\$\\svalue\\s\\}\\}.*$" {
  severity          = "bug"
  annotation_keys   = true
  annotation_values = true
  #[ check applied only to alerting rules with annotations "description" field where: Value= {{ $value }} ]
#Path for ci
ci {
  include    = [ "rules/*" ]

While running pint with same config file on my local system I am getting following error
./pint --config .pint.hcl lint rules.yaml

level=info msg="Loading configuration file" path=.pint.hcl
rules.yaml:14 Fatal: did not find expected key (yaml/parse)
 14 |           vajra_link:

level=info msg="Problems found" Fatal=1
level=fatal msg="Execution completed with error(s)" error="found 1 problem(s) with severity Bug or higher"

Any idea why this is happening? I am unable to debug this issue.
on local system I am using following version
v0.43.1-10-g948facf (revision: 948facf)

‘include’ takes a regex, not a glob

@prymitive We have rules in in 'rule' dir.
So should I use ?

match {
   path = "rules/"