cloudflare / alertmanager2es

Receives HTTP webhook notifications from AlertManager and inserts them into an Elasticsearch index for searching and analysis

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How to set environment for alertmanager2es ?

SAbdulRahuman opened this issue · comments

Hi ,
I need to use alertmanager2es using docker, is there any example to set environment variable to alertmanager2es like addr, port, and etc ?.

I am also struggling to setup an docker for alertmanager2es.
Is there any proper doc for it ?
Also I need to send alerts to elastic cloud so, can you provide any additional info about it

I have added below lines to docker but doesn't seems to be working

    image: webdevops/alertmanager2es
    container_name: alertmanagere2e
    restart: always
      - analytics
      - "9097:9097"
    command: ./alertmanager2es --elasticsearch.address="url:port/" --elasticsearch.username="username" --elasticsearch.password="password" --elasticsearch.index="alertmanager-2"