cloudera-labs / hive-sre

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Validate Hive location path includes nameservice name

randygoering opened this issue · comments

Check Hive table location path is valid in HDFS.

We had a cluster that at one time had HDFS HA enabled and tables were defined with a location that included the nameservice name. When HDFS HA was disable the hive table location was not updated to reflect the correct HDFS path.
HSMM failed during migration due to some of the hive tables had incorrect hdfs location defined.

It appears that the hive-sre tool did not report that these tables had invalid hdfs locations.

Citi had issues with location missing hdfs://nameservice-example/data/
SDS table in metastore had a location for the table so it did not get flagged as missing but it was incorrect and caused failure in hive metadata schema validation.
Location should be looks like this:
Support Case 911529