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CIS-CAT Pro Assessor and Dashboard in Docker

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CIS-CAT Pro Assessor and Dashboard in Docker


Here we will use Assessor App for 'CIS-CAT Pro Assessor' Application and CCPD App for 'CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard' Application


Samba server and Shared Folder to serve Assessor App content

  • Clone the repo
    • git clone
  • Change to the smb directory within the cloned repo directory
    • cd docker-ciscat/smb
  • Create .env file defining the following variables (the provided values are used as examples, please change them accordingly)
  • The meanings of the above variables are the following
    • SAMBA_SERVER_NAME - the name of the SMB server serving Assessor App in 'Centralized Workflow' mode
    • SAMBA_SHARE_NAME - the name of the SMB share on the above SMB server for Assessor App content
    • CCPD_URL - the URL for the CCPD App API to which Assessor App reports are POST'ed
    • CCPD_TOKEN - the 'Authentication Token' generated for an API user in CCPD App
      • Currently this token have to be created via CCPD App Web Interface and used here
  • Create the directory /srv/docker/smb/downloads with the following directory structure within it and add there the corresponding content
    • ./assessor/ place here the distribution zip file with Assessor App, like: ./assessor/
    • ./license/ place here zip file with License Key, like: ./license/
    • ./jre/ place here the distribution zip file with Java Runtime Env bundle for Windows x86-32 Architecture, like: ./jre/
    • ./jre64/ place here the distribution zip file with Java Runtime Env bundle for Windows x64 Architecture, like: ./jre64/
  • The following is an exemplary content of possible directory structure - more details on how the container processes the directory structure are available in the section 'Deployment details - smb' below
$ tree /srv/docker/smb/downloads
├── assessor
│   └──
├── jre
│   └──
├── jre64
│   └──
└── license
  • Run the following command
    • docker compose up -d
  • See the applications log with the following command
    • docker compose logs
  • Now end users should be able to run assessment from the Shared Folder using the appropriate batch file, like \\\CIS\cis-cat-centralized-ccpd.bat

CCPD App and DB

  • Clone the repo - this is the same repo which is used for 'Samba server and Shared Folder to serve Assessor App content' above
    • git clone
  • Change to the ccpd directory within the cloned repo directory
    • cd docker-ciscat/ccpd
  • Create .env file defining the following variables (the provided values are used as examples, please change them accordingly)
  • The meanings of the above variables are the following
    • MYSQL_USER - CCPD DB container MySQL user name, also used by CCPD App container to connect to the mentioned DB
    • MYSQL_PASSWORD - CCPD DB container MySQL password, also used by CCPD App container to connect to the mentioned DB
    • MYSQL_DATABASE - CCPD DB container MySQL DB name, also used by CCPD App container to connect to the mentioned DB
    • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD - CCPD DB container MySQL server root user password
    • CCPD_URL - Server URL the CCPD App to be configured to listen to
    • CCPD_TOKEN - ❗ this is not used for CCPD App container deployment now ❗
      • Assessor App uses this CCPD token to authenticate to CCPD App when it posts assessment reports to CCPD App
      • Currently this token is created via CCPD App Web Interface and passed to smb container for Assessor App during deployment as a variable
        • TODO: try to initialize CCPD token in CCPD DB via script
    • SMTP_HOST - SMTP HOST parameter of CCPD App
    • SMTP_PORT - SMTP PORT parameter of CCPD App
    • SMTP_USER - SMTP USER parameter of CCPD App
    • SMTP_PASS - SMTP PASS parameter of CCPD App
    • DEFAULT_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS - default address for 'forgot password' email messages
  • Create the directory certs (within ccpd directory) and place the following files within it to be able to use TLS
    • ccpd/certs/chain.pem - the server's certificate, if it is signed by a CA, this certificate file should be a bundle: a concatenation of the server's certificate followed by the CA's
    • ccpd/certs/key.pem - the server's private key file which matches the certificate file
  • Create the directory /srv/docker/ccpd/downloads with the following directory structure within it and add there corresponding content
    • ./dashboard/ place here the distribution zip file with CCPD App, like: ./dashboard/
  • The following is an exemplary content of possible directory structure - more details on how the container processes the directory structure are available in the section 'Deployment details - ccpd' below
$ tree /srv/docker/ccpd/downloads
└── dashboard
  • Create the directory /srv/docker/my4ccpd which will be used as a persistent storage for CCPD App data managed by MySQL DB container - this will be bound to MySQL container's MySQL Data Directory directory - more details on my4ccpd container are available in the section 'Deployment details - my4ccpd' below
  • Run the following command
    • docker compose up -d
  • See the applications log with the following command
    • docker compose logs
  • Now you should be able to access CCPD App Web Interface via the provided CCPD_URL

Deployment details


  • The container runs samba (smbd) service which serves Assessor App content in 'Centralized Workflow' mode
  • According to docker-compose.yaml file the container is started with the host path /srv/docker/smb mounted as the container volume with path /data
  • To serve Assessor App the container ENTRYPOINT script ( creates (and fills with approprate content) the directory structure for SMB foder used as Assessor App Shared Folder (available within container file system at /data/shares/${SAMBA_SHARE_NAME} path) and make all necessary changes for smbd configuration
  • All the required content of Assessor App Shared Folder direcory structure (below the /data/shares/${SAMBA_SHARE_NAME} directory) is based on the structure and content of 'downloads' directory (available within container file system at /data/downloads path, and provided via the mentioned above container volume) and formed in the following way
    • If a component of Assessor App Shared Folder direcory structure exists (available via the mentioned above container volume on /data/shares/${SAMBA_SHARE_NAME} path) the component content is not recreated and is left as is
    • If a component of Assessor App Shared Folder direcory structure doesn't exist, the component content is created from the corresponding .zip file provided via the mentioned above container volume on /data/downloads path
    • The ENTRYPOINT script expects the following direcory structure present within container file system at /data/downloads path with the corresponding distribution .zip files, where one directory contains only one .zip file
      • ./assessor/*.zip - distribution for Assessor App
      • ./license/*.zip - file with License Key
      • ./jre/*.zip - distribution for Java Runtime Env for Windows x86-32 Architecture
      • ./jre64/*.zip - distribution for Java Runtime Env for Windows x64 Architecture
  • The corresponding directory /srv/docker/smb/downloads has to be prepared on host OS and mounted to the smb container as part of its /data volume
    • It can be done the way provided in docker-compose.yaml file or using corresponding docker command with -v flag, like: -v "/srv/docker/smb:/data"


  • The container is tomcat service which runs Java application with CCPD App
  • According to docker-compose.yaml file the container is started with the host path /srv/docker/ccpd mounted as the container volume with path /data
  • To run Java application with help of tomcat the container ENTRYPOINT script ( does the following
    • Copies the application .war file into corresponding location according to tomcat configuration (${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/)
    • Make all necessary changes to tomcat configuration files
  • The application .war file is extracted from CCPD App .zip distribution file provided to the container from the 'downloads' directory available within container file system at /data/downloads path (provided there via the mentioned above container volume)
  • If the application .war file exists in the corresponding location (${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/CCPD.war) it is not recreated and is left as is
  • If the application .war file doesn't exist, it is created from the provided .zip file
  • The ENTRYPOINT script expects the distribution file for CCPD App present as /data/downloads/dashboard/*.zip
  • The corresponding directory /srv/docker/ccpd/downloads has to be prepared on host OS and mounted to the ccpd container as part of its /data volume
    • It can be done the way provided in docker-compose.yaml file or using corresponding docker command with -v flag, like: `-v "/srv/docker/ccpd:/data"


  • The container is mysql DB service which stores data for CCPD App
  • According to docker-compose.yaml file the container is started with the host path /srv/docker/my4ccpd mounted as the container volume with path /var/lib/mysql
    • This volume is used as MySQL Data Directory where information managed by the MySQL server is stored
    • If mysql container instance starts with empty Data Directory all the necessary data in the Data Directory will be created and initialized
    • If mysql container instance starts with a Data Directory that already contains a database, the pre-existing database will not be changed in any way
    • Binding a directory on the host into a container in the described way provides the persistent storage for the application data managed by MySQL
  • The corresponding directory /srv/docker/my4ccpd has to be prepared on host OS and mounted to the my4ccpd container as /var/lib/mysql volume
    • It can be done the way provided in docker-compose.yaml file or using corresponding docker command with -v flag, like: -v "/srv/docker/my4ccpd:/var/lib/mysql"

End User Usage

To run Assessor App tool on Windows OS, an end user can create a batch file with specified below commands and run it as Administrator. In the following steps a file with name ciscat.bat is created as an example on Windows Desktop of Windows 10 Pro OS

  • Right Click on Windows Desktop -> Click New -> Click Text Document
  • Provide ciscat.bat as the name for the file -> Press Enter -> Click Yes in the Rename confirmation window
  • Right Click on the created file -> Click Edit
  • Copy the following commands and Paste them to the file as the content
net use /delete s:
net use s: \\\CIS /user:ciscat ciscat
net use /delete s:


CIS-CAT Pro Assessor and Dashboard in Docker

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 92.5%Language:Dockerfile 7.5%