cloud-annotations / object-detection-python

🐍 Run Object Detection Inferences in Python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python tflite Interpreter Object Detection Example

mdunlop2 opened this issue · comments

When I started working on this one month ago, a simple .py file that could demonstrate the tflite model generated by cacli would have been immensely useful.

I have a working demonstration for my specific model trained with cacli:

Will work on submitting a pull request. Currently can run on all images in a directory and return results to another directory.

Future plans / ideas:
Integrate live video inference with a Flask application.

Have submitted a pull request. Full end-to-end tutorial on how to use a tflite model with python interpreter. Hopefully some others will find it useful for sanity checking that their model.