clojurewerkz / support

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obsolete guava dependency blows up clj/cljs compilations

paultopia opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

It looks like the guava dependency in here is creating a deeply buried dependency conflict with the closure compiler when one compiles cljs and clj in the same project.

This turned up for me when I tried to compile a web project using monger on the clj backend, which depends on this library, and also using cljs. It threw a very obscure error on compiling the cljs. In relevant part:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;, compiling:(/private/var/folders/y7/2chz_r6x6kl60752vfv7y_tr0000gn/T/form-init1788378285112665096.clj:1:125)

After poking around and doing some heavy google-fu which turned up this old discussion, turns out the problem goes back to guava, and I fixed it by excluding guava from the monger dependency and requiring guava 21.0 myself.

If upgrading to 21.0 doesn't blow anything up, can I suggest that?

Feel free to submit a PR.