clj-fun / klipse

A simple client-side code evaluator pluggable on any web page: clojure, ruby, javascript

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The klipse plugin is a javascript tag that transforms static code snippets of an html page to live and interactive snippets:

  1. Live: The code is executed in your browser
  2. Interactive: You can modify the code and it is evaluated as you type

The code evaluation is done in the browser: no server is involved at all!

The code editing is done with CodeMirror.

Live demo

With the klipse plugin, the code is evaluated as you type...

Javascript Ruby
abc abc
PHP Clojure
abc abc

Supported languages

  • javascript: evaluation is done with the javascript function eval
  • clojure[script]: evaluation is done with Self-Hosted Clojurescript
  • ruby: evaluation is done with Opal
  • PHP: evaluation is done with Uniter

How does it work?


In order to integrate the klipse plugin on a blog, library documentation or any other web page, add the following javascript tag at the end of the page body according to the language of the code snippets:


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

    window.klipse_settings = {
        selector_eval_js: '.language-klipse-eval-js', // css selector for the html elements you want to klipsify
<script src=""></script>

Here is a jsfiddle with the klipse plugin for javascript.


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

    window.klipse_settings = {
        selector_eval_ruby: '.language-klipse-eval-ruby', // css selector for the html elements you want to klipsify
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

    window.klipse_settings = {
        selector_eval_php: '.language-klipse-eval-php', // css selector for the html elements you want to klipsify
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

    window.klipse_settings = {
        selector: '.language-klipse'// css selector for the html elements you want to klipsify
<script src=""></script>


If your site runs under https, you need to load the klipse plugin from instead of

The reason is that the klipse plugin is hosted on Google Cloud Storage and for the moment SSL is not supported for custom domains.


The klipse plugin is configurable both at the level of the page and at the level of the snippet.

Page level configuration

Here are the settings for the klipse plugin a page level:

window.klipse_settings = {
          eval_idle_msec: 20, // idle time in msec before the snippet is evaluated
          selector_js: '.language-klipse-js', // selector for javascript evaluation snippets
          selector: '.language-klipse', //selector for clojure evaluation snippets
          selector_eval_js: '.language-klipse-eval-js', // selector for clojure transpilation snippets
          selector_eval_ruby: '.language-klipse-eval-ruby' //selector for ruby evaluation snippets

Additionaly, you can configure CodeMirror input (snippet source code) and output (snippet evaluation) by setting codemirror_options_in and codemirror_options_out:

Currently, we support all the settings CodeMirror Configuration settings and part of the Addons settings: matchBrackets and autoCloseBrackets.

For instance, you can modify the identUnit, lineWrapping, lineNumbers and autoCloseBrackets like this:

window.klipse_settings = {
    codemirror_options_in: {
        indentUnit: 8,
        lineWrapping: true,
        lineNumbers: true,
       autoCloseBrackets: true
    codemirror_options_out: {
        lineWrapping: true,
        lineNumbers: true

Snippet level configuration

The following attributes can be added to the DOM element of the snippet:

  • data-eval-idle-msec: (default 20) idle time in msec before the snippet is evaluated

Javascript only

  • data-external-libs: comma separated list of javascript libraries to load before snippet evaluation

Clojure only

  • data-static-fns: (default false) set to true for using static dispatch
  • data-eval-context: (default statement) indicates the evaluation context that will be passed to cljs/eval-str. One in expr, statement, return.
  • data-external-libs: comma separated list of github repositories to resolve dependencies: you need to provide the full list of dependencies (including the dependencies of dependencies recursively). See for instance Lambda Caclulus with clojure and Klipse


The Klipse plugin can be easily styled with CSS, which can be applied both to the Klipse plugin's own elements, and to the CodeMirror editor's elements. Much of the styling you'll apply will be to CodeMirror, as it contains all the CSS classes to style the code itself. Surrounding CodeMirror is the Klipse plugin, the styles of which control the plugin's borders, and the executed code's output.

Changing the style of CodeMirror

You can change the theme of the CodeMirror editor simply by modifying its CSS. If you don't want to create your own theme, Farhad Gayour has an awesome list of ready-made themes you can select from. Have a look at the different themes by selecting them from the drop-down. Once you've found one you like, head to the theme repo to copy the CSS, paste it into a CSS file, and link to it from the HTML page containing your Klipse plugin.

Changing the style of the Klipse plugin

To change the style of the Klipse plugin's borders and the console output, you'll need to add a few extra style rules to your CSS file. These are:

  • .CodeMirror - modify the plugin's borders and CodeMirror's containing div
  • .CodeMirror:last-child::before - modify the console's title (i.e. the bit that says Output:)
  • .CodeMirror:last-child - modify the console area (i.e. the area beneath Output:)

You can see an example of styling Klipse in demos/styling. And here is a live demo


Here are a couple of examples of blogs using the klipse plugin:

Ask us any question about the klipse plugin (integration, feature requests...) on Join the chat at

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Klipse App

Here is the information about the Klipse app


A simple client-side code evaluator pluggable on any web page: clojure, ruby, javascript


Language:Clojure 49.1%Language:HTML 35.2%Language:CSS 10.2%Language:JavaScript 5.5%