clj-commons / byte-streams

A Rosetta stone for JVM byte representations

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b/convert sometimes fails to copy the last byte array

malcolmsparks opened this issue · comments

Let coll be a collection of (large) byte arrays.

What I'm seeing is (b/convert coll (class (byte-array 0))) occasionally returns a combined byte-array but without the last byte-array in coll. I'm seeing this only sometimes. My test suite will pass, then it will fail, then it will pass again. It seems to fail about 25% of the time.

I have identified the problem to be b/convert because when I replace the call to b/convert with this logic, the bug disappears. This logic is my own hurried attempt to System/arraycopy all the bytes together, which is what I want b/convert to do for me.

(let [rs (reductions + (map count coll))
       result (byte-array (last rs))]

    (reduce (fn [_ [source offset]]
              (System/arraycopy source 0 result offset (count source)))
            (map vector coll (cons 0 rs)))

I'm sorry to raise an issue without providing the means to reliably replicate the problem. Feel free to close it, but I'm raising it more as a note in case anyone else has an idea. From reasoning about the code, is there anything that might account for the behavior I'm seeing?

Is there a way of telling the conversion path that a collection of byte-arrays to a single byte-array would take? It feels like there's something occasionally not being flushed.

What version are you using, and is the input a sequence or vector of byte arrays?

Hi - version is 0.2.0, I'm using a sequence but could easily be a vector.

More info: The problem never occurs when a vector is used. If I use a sequence, however, it fails occasionally/erratically. Here are the results of my test-suite.


where F=FAIL, P=PASS.

Can you test with the latest 0.2.1 beta? If it still fails, can you provide a reproducing case for me to run?

Testing with 0.2.1-alpha1 seems to cause occasionally hangs on my test-suite. I've tried a few different combinations, looks like occasionally the thread is blocking. I'll investigate further the exact nature of these hangs, and try to distill a better failing test.

So I've been trying to reproduce this on my end, using some variant of

(bs/to-byte-array (repeatedly 1e3 #(byte-array 1e5)))

I'm not able to, but I did notice that it hung when I ran this inside the byte-streams namespace, since byte-array is shadowed there. An error was logged, but it was otherwise stuck. This obviously shouldn't happen, and I've made a fix such that it logs and actually returns, but maybe this is why it was hanging for you? Let me know.

I believe I've reduced the problem down to a simple example here:

If you clone the repo

git clone

This might not be the actual issue described above, or might be closely related to it.

If you try the bs_bug/core ns, you'll see the problem I'm having. It could be
that this is normal expected behavior from byte-streams and I'm assuming
this is a bug when it isn't.

The wider context is that I have to use this ->closing-stream function in
my tests that use ring-mock, because the request :body is an input stream.
This causes my tests to hang, but the actual code is working fine with real
browsers. It's a big of a snag, but isn't a huge issue, but would be nice
to understand why it's hanging.

This looks like a bug in the stream lifecycle handling. I'll take a closer look. Thanks for the reproducing case.

Okay, this was a little stranger than I expected. The problems were two-fold: doesn't return an exception when given a non-stream input, and the closeable-seq implementation in byte-streams assumed everything it closed over was clojure.lang.IPending. Both of these are fixed, in [byte-streams "0.2.1-alpha2"] and [manifold "0.1.2-alpha1"], respectively. You'll need to wrap get-buffers in s/->source for your failing case to work, though.

Hi Zach, I've updated to both library versions and this has been working
well. Thanks, Malcolm

Malcolm Sparks


Software Consulting, Delivery, Training

On 24 November 2015 at 03:23, Zach Tellman wrote:

Okay, this was a little stranger than I expected. The problems were
two-fold: doesn't return an exception when given a
non-stream input, and the closeable-seq implementation in byte-streams
assumed everything it closed over was clojure.lang.IPending. Both of
these are fixed, in [byte-streams "0.2.1-alpha2"] and [manifold
"0.1.2-alpha1"], respectively. You'll need to wrap get-buffers in
s/->source for your failing case to work, though.

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