clive107 / google-i18n-address

Google's i18n address data packaged for Python.

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This package contains a copy of Google's i18n address metadata repository that contains great data but comes with no uptime guarantees.

Contents of this package will allow you to programatically build address forms that adhere to rules of a particular region or country, validate local addresses and format them to produce a valid address label for delivery.

The package also contains a Python interface for address validation.

Addresses validation

The normalize_address function checks the address and either returns its canonical form (suitable for storage and use in addressing envelopes) or raises an InvalidAddress exception that contains a list of errors.

Address fields

Here is the list of recognized fields:

  • country_code is a two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code
  • country_area is a designation of a region, province or state, recognized values include official names, designated abbreviations, official translations and latin transliterations
  • city is a city or town name, recognized values include official names, official translations and latin transliterations
  • city_area is a sublocality like a district, recognized values include official names, official translations and latin transliterations
  • street_address is the (possibly multiline) street address
  • postal_code is a postal code or zip code
  • sorting_code is a sorting code
  • name is a person's name
  • company_name is a name of a company or organization


Address validation with only country code:

>>> from i18naddress import InvalidAddress, normalize_address
>>> try:
...     address = normalize_address({'country_code': 'US'})
... except InvalidAddress as e:
...     print(e.errors)
{'city': 'required',
 'country_area': 'required',
 'postal_code': 'required',
 'street_address': 'required'}

With correct address:

>>> from i18naddress import normalize_address
>>> address = normalize_address({
    'country_code': 'US',
    'country_area': 'California',
    'city': 'Mountain View',
    'postal_code': '94043',
    'street_address': '1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy'})
>>> print(address)
{'city': 'MOUNTAIN VIEW',
 'city_area': '',
 'country_area': 'CA',
 'country_code': 'US',
 'postal_code': '94043',
 'sorting_code': '',
 'street_address': '1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy'}

Postal code/zip code validation example:

>>> from i18naddress import InvalidAddress, normalize_address
>>> try:
...     address = normalize_address({
...         'country_code': 'US',
...         'country_area': 'California',
...         'city': 'Mountain View',
...         'postal_code': '74043',
...         'street_address': '1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy'})
... except InvalidAddress as e:
...     print(e.errors)
{'postal_code': 'invalid'}

Address latinization

In some cases it may be useful to display foreign addresses in a more accessible format. You can use the latinize_address function to obtain a more verbose, latinized version of an address.

This version is suitable for display and useful for full text search indexing but the normalized form is what should be stored in the database and used when printing address labels.

>>> from i18naddress import latinize_address
>>> address = {
...     'country_code': 'CN',
...     'country_area': '云南省',
...     'postal_code': '677400',
...     'city': '临沧市',
...     'city_area': '凤庆县',
...     'street_address': '中关村东路1号'}
>>> latinize_address(address)
{'country_code': 'CN',
 'country_area': 'Yunnan Sheng',
 'city': 'Lincang Shi',
 'city_area': 'Lincang Shi',
 'sorting_code': '',
 'postal_code': '677400',
 'street_address': '中关村东路1号'}

It will also return expanded names for area types that normally use codes and abbreviations such as state names in US:

>>> from i18naddress import latinize_address
>>> address = {
...     'country_code': 'US',
...     'country_area': 'CA',
...     'postal_code': '94037',
...     'city': 'Mountain View',
...     'street_address': '1600 Charleston Rd.'}
>>> latinize_address(address)
{'country_code': 'US',
 'country_area': 'California',
 'city': 'Mountain View',
 'city_area': '',
 'sorting_code': '',
 'postal_code': '94037',
 'street_address': '1600 Charleston Rd.'}

Address formatting

You can use the format_address function to format the address following the destination country's post office regulations:

>>> address = {
...     'country_code': 'CN',
...     'country_area': '云南省',
...     'postal_code': '677400',
...     'city': '临沧市',
...     'city_area': '凤庆县',
...     'street_address': '中关村东路1号'}
>>>> print(format_address(address))

You can also ask for a latin-friendly version:

>>> address = {
...     'country_code': 'CN',
...     'country_area': '云南省',
...     'postal_code': '677400',
...     'city': '临沧市',
...     'city_area': '凤庆县',
...     'street_address': '中关村东路1号'}
>>> print(format_address(address, latin=True))
云南省, 677400

Validation rules

You can use the get_validation_rules function to obtain validation data useful for constructing address forms specific for a particular country:

>>> from i18naddress import get_validation_rules
>>> get_validation_rules({'country_code': 'US', 'country_area': 'CA'})
    country_name='UNITED STATES',
    address_format='%N%n%O%n%A%n%C, %S %Z',
    address_latin_format='%N%n%O%n%A%n%C, %S %Z',
    allowed_fields={'street_address', 'company_name', 'city', 'name', 'country_area', 'postal_code'},
    required_fields={'street_address', 'city', 'country_area', 'postal_code'},
    upper_fields={'city', 'country_area'},
    country_area_choices=[('AL', 'Alabama'), ..., ('WY', 'Wyoming')],
    postal_code_matchers=[re.compile('^(\\d{5})(?:[ \\-](\\d{4}))?$'), re.compile('^9[0-5]|96[01]')],
    postal_code_examples=['90000', '96199'],

All known fields

You can use KNOWN_FIELDS set, to render optional address fields as hidden elements of your form:

>> from i18naddress import get_validation_rules, KNOWN_FIELDS
>> rules = get_validation_rules({'country_code': 'US'})
>> KNOWN_FIELDS - rules.allowed_fields
{'city_area', 'sorting_code'}

Raw i18n data

Raw data is stored in a dict:

>>> from i18naddress import load_validation_data
>>> i18n_country_data = load_validation_data()
>>> i18n_country_data['US']
{'fmt': '%N%n%O%n%A%n%C, %S %Z',
 'id': 'data/US',
 'key': 'US',
 'lang': 'en',
 'languages': 'en',
 'name': 'UNITED STATES',
 'posturl': '!input.action',
 'require': 'ACSZ',
 'state_name_type': 'state',
 'sub_names': 'Alabama~Alaska~American Samoa~Arizona~Arkansas~Armed Forces (AA)~Armed Forces (AE)~Armed Forces (AP)~California~Colorado~Connecticut~Delaware~District of Columbia~Florida~Georgia~Guam~Hawaii~Idaho~Illinois~Indiana~Iowa~Kansas~Kentucky~Louisiana~Maine~Marshall Islands~Maryland~Massachusetts~Michigan~Micronesia~Minnesota~Mississippi~Missouri~Montana~Nebraska~Nevada~New Hampshire~New Jersey~New Mexico~New York~North Carolina~North Dakota~Northern Mariana Islands~Ohio~Oklahoma~Oregon~Palau~Pennsylvania~Puerto Rico~Rhode Island~South Carolina~South Dakota~Tennessee~Texas~Utah~Vermont~Virgin Islands~Virginia~Washington~West Virginia~Wisconsin~Wyoming',
 'sub_zipexs': '35000,36999~99500,99999~96799~85000,86999~71600,72999~34000,34099~09000,09999~96200,96699~90000,96199~80000,81999~06000,06999~19700,19999~20000,20099:20200,20599:56900,56999~32000,33999:34100,34999~30000,31999:39800,39899:39901~96910,96932~96700,96798:96800,96899~83200,83999~60000,62999~46000,47999~50000,52999~66000,67999~40000,42799~70000,71599~03900,04999~96960,96979~20600,21999~01000,02799:05501:05544~48000,49999~96941,96944~55000,56799~38600,39799~63000,65999~59000,59999~68000,69999~88900,89999~03000,03899~07000,08999~87000,88499~10000,14999:06390:00501:00544~27000,28999~58000,58999~96950,96952~43000,45999~73000,74999~97000,97999~96940~15000,19699~00600,00799:00900,00999~02800,02999~29000,29999~57000,57999~37000,38599~75000,79999:88500,88599:73301:73344~84000,84999~05000,05999~00800,00899~20100,20199:22000,24699~98000,99499~24700,26999~53000,54999~82000,83199:83414',
 'sub_zips': '3[56]~99[5-9]~96799~8[56]~71[6-9]|72~340~09~96[2-6]~9[0-5]|96[01]~8[01]~06~19[7-9]~20[02-5]|569~3[23]|34[1-9]~3[01]|398|39901~969([1-2]\\d|3[12])~967[0-8]|9679[0-8]|968~83[2-9]~6[0-2]~4[67]~5[0-2]~6[67]~4[01]|42[0-7]~70|71[0-5]~039|04~969[67]~20[6-9]|21~01|02[0-7]|05501|05544~4[89]~9694[1-4]~55|56[0-7]~38[6-9]|39[0-7]~6[3-5]~59~6[89]~889|89~03[0-8]~0[78]~87|88[0-4]~1[0-4]|06390|00501|00544~2[78]~58~9695[0-2]~4[3-5]~7[34]~97~969(39|40)~1[5-8]|19[0-6]~00[679]~02[89]~29~57~37|38[0-5]~7[5-9]|885|73301|73344~84~05~008~201|2[23]|24[0-6]~98|99[0-4]~24[7-9]|2[56]~5[34]~82|83[01]|83414',
 'upper': 'CS',
 'zip': '(\\d{5})(?:[ \\-](\\d{4}))?',
 'zip_name_type': 'zip',
 'zipex': '95014,22162-1010'}
>>> i18n_country_data['US/CA']
{'id': 'data/US/CA',
 'key': 'CA',
 'lang': 'en',
 'name': 'California',
 'zip': '9[0-5]|96[01]',
 'zipex': '90000,96199'}

Used with Django form

Django forms will return only required address fields in form.cleaned_data dict. So addresses in the database will be normalized.

from django import forms

from i18naddress import InvalidAddress, normalize_address, get_validation_rules

class AddressForm(forms.Form):

        ('PL', 'Poland'),
        ('AE', 'United Arab Emirates'),
        ('US', 'United States of America')]

        'required': 'This field is required',
        'invalid': 'Enter a valid name'}

    name = forms.CharField(required=True)
    company_name = forms.CharField(required=False)
    street_address = forms.CharField(required=False)
    city = forms.CharField(required=False)
    city_area = forms.CharField(required=False)
    country_code = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, choices=COUNTRY_CHOICES)
    country_area = forms.CharField(required=False)
    postal_code = forms.CharField(required=False)

    def clean(self):
        clean_data = super(AddressForm, self).clean()
        validation_rules = get_validation_rules(clean_data)
            valid_address = normalize_address(clean_data)
        except InvalidAddress as e:
            errors = e.errors
            valid_address = None
            for field, error_code in errors.items():
                if field == 'postal_code':
                    examples = validation_rules.postal_code_examples
                    msg = 'Invalid value, use format like %s' % examples
                    msg = ERROR_MESSAGES[error_code]
                self.add_error(field, msg)
        return valid_address or clean_data


Google's i18n address data packaged for Python.



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