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clio run failure in windows 10 [Version 10.0.21387.1]

hsmyers opened this issue · comments


Here is a screen capture:
`c:\Users\hsmyers\clio>clio new hello
Info: Added Clio dependencies
Info: Initialized new git repository.
Info: Initialization Complete!
Success: Run 'cd hello' to open, then 'clio run' to run the project!

c:\Users\hsmyers\clio>cd hello

c:\Users\hsmyers\clio\hello>clio run
Info: Creating build for node
× Error: Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, mkdir 'c:\c:'
Compilation Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, mkdir 'c:\c:'`

Expected behavior
I expected it to work.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Versions (please complete the following information):

  • Windows Version 10.0.21387.1
  • Clio: 0.5.1
  • Node: v14.17.0
  • NPM: 6.14.13

Possible solutions
??!! Suggest you look at getting a windows box and actually using it.

I have the same error for clio v 0.6.0
When the new project is on a different drive, for example d: , the error is:
× Error: Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, mkdir 'D:\D:'
Compilation Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, mkdir 'D:\D:'


I have installed and run successfully a new Clio v 0.6 project on Ubtuntu 20 and WSL2 in Windows.
But my main dev-box is Windows 10, so I can quickly test out any change/correction or new versions.


I'll be working on a fix tonight, I will investigate the issue. Unfortunately I do not have a windows computer to test, but I guess I can just get a VM for a few hours.

I have located the error: it occurs when executing the line 182
in the script build.js

In my case I'm working in folder D:\Clio\own_projects\hello - the value of variable destDir is the string D:\Clio\own_projects\hello\build\node ; the error is: × Error: Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, mkdir 'D:\D:'
Compilation Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, mkdir 'D:\D:'


Should be possible to build, but as yet don't know how to fix the error.


I just tested with the new Clio from a few minutes ago: it works!

D:\Clio\own_projects\hello>clio run
Info: Creating build for node
√ Compiling source...
√ Adding Clio start script...
√ Installing npm dependencies (this may take a while)...
Hello World
