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[Bug]: Ports positioning in jointJS with angular

meyabishekssciera opened this issue · comments

What happened?

Hi all,

When I used JointJS with angular, the ports positioning is not supported in the paper ,I have given the output port position of the port to be right, but it is rendering in the left side of the element

// Out Port
   var portsOut = {
     position: {
       name: 'right',
     attrs: {
       portBody: {
         magnet: true,
         r: 6,
         fill: '#E6A502',
         stroke: '#023047',
     label: {
       position: {
         name: 'right',
         args: { x: 6 }  
       markup: [{
         tagName: 'text',
           selector: 'label',
           className: 'label-text',
     markup: [{
       tagName: 'circle',
       selector: 'portBody'



What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

Chrome,Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge

What operating system are you seeing the problem on?


You need to define the position for a group and assign the port to the group.