clevertech / why

Why is it awesome to work at Clevertech

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Improve CTA and fonts

kilianc opened this issue · comments

Kilian Ciuffolo [12:18 PM]

I feel like those sentences should be short as possible and with HUGE fonts, to give more of a quote feeling

Bruno Bernardino [12:20 PM]

ah, for the quotes?

Kilian Ciuffolo [12:21 PM]

@bruno: what about them?

First of all, it's all remote work. You can be anywhere in the world!
You don't have to experience time-consuming commutes and get to enjoy working from wherever you want, with whoever you want (be it your family, friends, strangers, or by yourself).
The focus, productivity, creativity, and happiness that produces is amazing!

is this short enough to be bigger?
things line there: You can be anywhere in the world should pop the hell out of from the page

Bruno Bernardino [12:26 PM]

I think I understand what you're saying
but I think the page becomes disproportional and thus the information doesn't flow as nicely, when I increase the font-size for the paragraphs a bit more
it starts to have less visual contrast from the titles
that's why I asked if you had a font-size and font-weight combination or something CSS that I could apply and see
because I tried. I like big fonts. :simple_smile:
and I cannot lie.

Kilian Ciuffolo [12:29 PM]

@bruno: I see your point and I agree, I personally would remove titles of paragraphs completely 😛
after each block I would repeat the CTA, with a "not convinced enough? keep scrolling" sort of thing :simple_smile: (edited)
btw these may be good points for a v2 of that page, which looks just fine right now and is funny.

Bruno Bernardino [12:38 PM]

I get that. I'd like to add photos of people's offices later down the line
Add an issue in the repo for that: