clementfarabet / manifold

A package to manipulate manifolds.

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removeDuplicates doesn't seem to work

AlexisBRENON opened this issue · comments

removeDuplicates doesn't seem to remove anything...


th> x = torch.rand(1,5)
th> y = x:repeatTensor(5,1)
th> print(y)
 0.0463  0.4599  0.1440  0.2752  0.2289
 0.0463  0.4599  0.1440  0.2752  0.2289
 0.0463  0.4599  0.1440  0.2752  0.2289
 0.0463  0.4599  0.1440  0.2752  0.2289
 0.0463  0.4599  0.1440  0.2752  0.2289
[torch.DoubleTensor of size 5x5]

th> manifold.removeDuplicates(y)
 0.0463  0.4599  0.1440  0.2752  0.2289
 0.0463  0.4599  0.1440  0.2752  0.2289
 0.0463  0.4599  0.1440  0.2752  0.2289
 0.0463  0.4599  0.1440  0.2752  0.2289
 0.0463  0.4599  0.1440  0.2752  0.2289
[torch.DoubleTensor of size 5x5]

  1 : 1
  2 : 2
  3 : 3
  4 : 4
  5 : 5

As you can see, all samples of y are returned while I expect to get only one (as they are all the same).
Do I misunderstand the use of this function ?

Kind regards,