clef / handbook

An employee handbook built for inclusion

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Consider explicitly listing diversity & inclusivity goals

jessepollak opened this issue · comments

In the words of @techiecheckie on Twitter,

Your recruiting document is trying really hard but not enough. Recruiting diversely means little w/o hiring followup. I'd prefer to see explicit numbered diversity goals rather than, again, vague non-committance. Especially bc you already know your most diverse pool of applicants will come from ppl least likely to get in.

Tweets start here.

I'll note that this is something we would really like to do, but have thus far been counseled against it by our HR lawyer for legal reasons. Worth exploring whether there are ways we can set goals around building an inclusive company while staying within the bounds of what's legal!


Twitter released something like what I'm talking about recently:
So I doubt it's illegal. I'd bring this document up and see if you can't work something out.

Oh, awesome, hadn't seen that! Will discuss with HR and see what we can do :)


Checking in to pick this thread up again. Am super impressed with this handbook and am currently building something out for my community. Would love to hear how this turned out.