claudiubelu / trove-charm

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Juju Trove Charm


Charm to deploy Trove in a Canonical OpenStack deployment.

Environment setup

The Trove database instances are spawned with 2 NICs attached to them, one for the tenant network, and one for the management network. The instances have Trove guest agents running in them, which are supposed to connect to the Trove control plane through AMQP using the management NIC. In a typical Juju OpenStack deployment, they should be able to connect to the same RabbitMQ units as the Trove control plane. In addition to that, the subnet allocated for Trove instances need to sufficiently large enough to allow the maximum number of instances and controllers likely to be deployed throughout the lifespan of the cloud.

Below is a networking setup example:

     ┌────────────────────────────┐   ┌──────────────────────────┐
     │ Control Plane              │   │ Compute Node             │
     │ ┌────────────────────────┐ │   │ ┌──────────────────────┐ │
     │ │ LXD                    │ │   │ │ KVM                  │ │
     │ │ ┌──────────┐ ┌───────┐ │ │   │ │ ┌──────────────────┐ │ │
     │ │ │ RabbitMQ │ │ Trove │ │ │   │ │ │  Trove instance  │ │ │
     │ │ └──┬───────┘ └──┬────┘ │ │   │ │ ├────┐        ┌────┤ │ │
     │ │    │            │      │ │   │ │ │eth0│        │eth1│ │ │
     │ └────┼────────────┼──────┘ │   │ │ └──┬─┴────────┴──┬─┘ │ │
     │      ├────────────┘        │   │ └────┼─────────────┼───┘ │
     │ ┌────┴──┐ ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │   │   ┌──┴───┐    ┌────┴───┐ │
     │ │br-eth0│ │br-int├─┤br-ex│ │   │   │br-int├─┐  │br-trove│ │
     │ └──┬────┘ └──┬───┘ └───┬─┘ │   │   └──────┘ │  └─────┬──┘ │
     │ ┌──┴─┐    ┌──┴─┐    ┌──┴─┐ │   │ ┌────┐   ┌─┴──┐   ┌─┴──┐ │   ┌──────────┐
     │ │eth0│    │eth1│    │eth2│ │   │ │eth0│   │eth1│   │eth2│ │   │          │
     │ └──┬─┘    └──┬─┘    └──┬─┘ │   │ └──┬─┘   └──┬─┘   └──┬─┘ │   │  Router  │
     │    │         │         │   │   │    │        │        │   │   │          │
     └────┼─────────┼─────────┼───┘   └────┼────────┼────────┼───┘   └─┬──────┬─┘
          │         │         │            │        │        │         │      │
mgmt-net  │         │         │            │        │        │         │      │
                    │         │                     │        │                │
tenant-net          │         │                     │        │                │
                              │                              │                │
public-net                    │                              │                │
                                                             │                │
trove-net                                                    │                │
  • mgmt-net: Network used for managing the Nodes and OpenStack services in the LXD units.
  • tenant-net: Network dedicated for guest VM networks.
  • public-net: Public network used for external access and floating IPs.
  • trove-net: Management network to be used by Trove, which is routed to the mgmt-net. IPs in this subnet are managed by Neutron.

A Neutron flat network needs to be defined for trove-net with a subnet CIDR that is being routed to the Juju management network (mgmt-net):

# Add a new flat network provider to neutron API charm, if not added already.
# They are separated by space.
# We're adding physnet2.
juju config neutron-api flat-network-providers="physnet1 physnet2"

# If Neutron OVS is being used:
juju config neutron-gateway bridge-mappings="physnet1:br-ex physnet2:br-trove" data-port="br-ex:eth2 br-trove:eth3"
juju config neutron-openvswitch bridge-mappings="physnet2:br-trove" data-port="br-trove:eth2"

# Define the flat OpenStack network and subnet.
openstack network create --share --external --provider-network-type=flat \
  --provider-physical-network=physnet2 --description "Trove management network" trove-net
openstack subnet create --subnet-range= --gateway=none \
  --network trove-net trove-subnet

# Create a router for the Trove Network, and add a route to the Management Network.
openstack router create trove-router --external-gateway trove-net
openstack router add route --route destination=,gateway= trove-router

The Neutron network created above will be used to configure the Trove charm, which will be covered in the Configuration Options section.

Trove can be configured with a management Neutron security group which will be applied to the instances' management port (e.g.: allow SSH access). This can be set through a Trove charm config option (see Configuration Options section).

Charm building

In order to build the Trove charm, execute the following commands:

export CHARM_BASE="$HOME/work/charms"


# Install requirement for charm building.
sudo snap install --classic charm

# Clone the repository.
git clone
cd trove-charm

# Build the charm.
charm build src

The charm should have been built in $JUJU_REPOSITORY/builds/trove.

Deploy the charm

# The charm can be deployed on a specific node, or an LXD container on a node
# by specifying the --to argument.
juju deploy $JUJU_REPOSITORY/builds/trove trove

# Add MySQL Router.
juju deploy mysql-router trove-mysql-router --channel 8.0/stable
juju relate trove-mysql-router mysql-innodb-cluster

# Add the necessary relations.
juju relate trove rabbitmq-server
juju relate trove keystone
juju relate trove trove-mysql-router

# Optionally add HA.
juju deploy --config cluster_count=3 hacluster hacluster-trove --channel 2.4/stable
juju relate trove:ha hacluster-trove:ha

To replace the current Trove charm with a newer revision and keeping the existing relations and configuration, run the following command:

juju refresh --path $JUJU_REPOSITORY/builds/trove-charm trove

In order for the Trove charm to become Active, the management-network config option needs to be set with the network UUID created above. See the Configuration Options section.

For more details on the Management Network needed by Trove, check here.

Using Trove

After the Trove charm has become Active, you can check that it can be accessed by running:

# Load the OpenStack credentials.
. ~/

# This requires python-troveclient to be installed.
openstack database instance list

There should be no errors while running the command above.

Next, we need to declare a Trove image and a datastore:

# Download an image built by the community.
# For more images and how to build them, see
openstack image create trove-zed-guest-ubuntu-focal \
  --private \
  --disk-format qcow2 \
  --container-format bare \
  --tag trove --tag mysql \
  --file ./trove-zed-guest-ubuntu-focal.qcow2

# Declare a datastore.
openstack datastore version create 5.7.29 mysql mysql "" \
  --image-tags trove,mysql \
  --active --default

# Load the validation rules for the datastore.
juju run --wait trove/leader db-load-datastore-config-params \
  datastore=mysql datastore-version-name=5.7.29 config-file=$CONF_FILE_URL

Next, we can deploy database instances:

openstack database instance create mysql_instance_1 --flavor m1.large --size 3 \
  --nic net-id=$TENANT_NET_UUID --databases test --users userA:Passw0rd \
  --datastore mysql --datastore-version 5.7.29 --is-public \
  --allowed-cidr $TENANT_NET_CIDR

# Check that the instances become ACTIVE.
openstack database instance list

Configuration Options

The Trove charm needs the management-networks config option in order to become active. It needs to be set to the Neutron network created in the Environment setup section:

juju config trove management-networks=$TROVE_NET_UID

A management Neutron security group can be created and assigned to the management ports of the Trove instances by setting the management-security-groups config option:

openstack security group create trove-sg --description "Trove Security Group" --tag "trove-charm"
openstack security group rule create trove-sg --dst-port 22 --protocol tcp --ingress --ethertype ipv4
juju config trove management-security-groups=$TROVE_SG_UID

The security group above adds a SSH ingress rule. The Trove instances will need an SSH keypair:

# Get the Trove user ID.
openstack user list --project services

# Create the keypair for the Trove user ID.
openstack keypair create --user $TROVE_USER_ID --public-key ~/.ssh/ trove-keypair

# Configure Trove to spawn instances with the SSH keypair.
juju config trove nova-keypair=trove-keypair



License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%