clarkbw / jest-localstorage-mock

A module to mock window.localStorage and window.sessionStorage in Jest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Include warning that this package is potentially duplicative for anyone using Jest 24 and above

dgirgenti opened this issue · comments

It has come to our attention (through trial and error) that this package is no longer needed for users of Jest 24 or later. jest@24.x.x ultimately includes jsdom, of which a recent version added localStorage and sessionStorage support out of the box.

I think it would be worth calling this out somewhere in the docs of jest-localstorage-mock as it can lead to unnecessary package bloat.

@dgirgenti and I'm guessing you had to write your own spies around the methods on window?

@dgirgenti and I'm guessing you had to write your own spies around the methods on window?

I guess, like me, @dgirgenti doesn't use the mocking/spying ability of this library.

function setSomethingInLocalStorage(value) {
  localStorage.setItem('something', value);

which in my simple use-case can be tested as:

it('sets something in localStorage', () => {


That is jest 26 without the jest-localstorage-mock library.

Like @dgirgenti I discovered this through trial and error. Which is why I +1 this request.