ckoparkar / tt101

Type-theory 101. Integers, booleans, lists, vectors and some proofs about their properties

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Include study resources as you go along?

chinmaydd opened this issue · comments

It would be really helpful for someone interested in the topic to have some resources(not just for Agda, but Type Theory in general) to start off with. This could also help understand the problems and code being written.

@chinmaydd Most of the theorems are from this book. Check out these videos to see Idris in action. AFAIK, Idris and Agda are based on Martin Löf's type theory. I haven't read this yet, but it's on my TODO list.

@chinmaydd Oh, and also, Dan Friedman and David Christiansen are working on another "Little" book on dependently typed programming in Scheme. Watch out for that. It'll be great!

That's awesome. Thanks a lot! 😄

@chinmaydd No, thank you! You brought up a very important point. I'll remember to include links to the resources as I implement more stuff :-)